Indeed, all of us waited breathlessly, for we understood that the

terrible dwarf was matching himself against Panda and Cetewayo and

defying them both. Presently it became obvious that he had won the game,

since Panda only said: "Why should I slay one whom I have befriended in the past, and why do

you speak such heavy words of death in my ears, O, Zikali the Wise,

which of late have heard so much of death?" He sighed, adding: "Be

pleased now, to tell us of this medicine, or, if you will not, go, and I

will send for other Nyangas."

"Why should I not tell you, when you ask me softly and without threats,

O King? See"--and Zikali took up some of the twisted roots--"these are

the roots of a certain poisonous herb that blooms at night on the tops

of mountains, and woe be to the ox that eats thereof. They have been

boiled in gall and blood, and ill will befall the hut in which they are

hidden by one who can speak the words of power. This is the bone of a

babe that has never lived to cut its teeth--I think of a babe that was

left to die alone in the bush because it was hated, or because none

would father it. Such a bone has strength to work ill against other

babes; moreover, it is filled with a charmed medicine. Look!" and,

pulling out the plug of wood, he scattered some grey powder from the

bone, then stopped it up again. "This," he added, picking up the fang,

"is the tooth of a deadly serpent, that, after it has been doctored, is

used by women to change the heart of a man from another to herself. I

have spoken."

And he turned to go.

"Stay!" said the King. "Who set these foul charms in the doorway of

Saduko's hut?"

"How can I tell, O King, unless I make preparation and cast the bones

and smell out the evil-doer? You have heard the story of the woman

Nahana. Accept it or reject it as your heart tells you."

"If that story be true, O Zikali, how comes it that you yourself smelt

out, not Mameena, the wife of Masapo, but Masapo, her husband, himself,

and caused him to be slain because of the poisoning of the child of


"You err, O King. I, Zikali, smelt out the House of Masapo. Then I

smelt out the poison, searching for it first in the hair of Mameena, and

finding it in the kaross of Masapo. I never smelt out that it was Masapo

who gave the poison. That was the judgment of you and of your Council,

O King. Nay, I knew well that there was more in the matter, and had you

paid me another fee and bade me to continue to use my wisdom, without

doubt I should have found this magic stuff hidden in the hut, and mayhap

have learned the name of the hider. But I was weary, who am very old;

and what was it to me if you chose to kill Masapo or chose to let him

go? Masapo, who, being your secret enemy, was a man who deserved to

die--if not for this matter, then for others." Copyright 2016 - 2024