So in truth he did, for before his spear pierced it his heart was


Now, seeing that Cetewayo was in one of his soft moods, and that he

seemed to look upon me kindly, though I had fought against him, I

reflected that this would be a good opportunity to ask his leave to

depart. To tell the truth, my nerves were quite shattered with all I had

gone through, and I longed to be away from the sights and sounds of that

terrible battlefield, on and about which so many thousand people had

perished this fateful day, as I had seldom longed for anything before.

But while I was making up my mind as to the best way to approach him,

something happened which caused me to lose my chance.

Hearing a noise behind me, I looked round, to see a stout man arrayed

in a very fine war dress, and waving in one hand a gory spear and in the

other a head-plume of ostrich feathers, who was shouting out: "Give me audience of the son of the King! I have a song to sing to the

Prince. I have a tale to tell to the conqueror, Cetewayo."

I stared. I rubbed my eyes. It could not be--yes, it was--Umbezi,

"Eater-up-of-Elephants," the father of Mameena. In a few seconds,

without waiting for leave to approach, he had bounded through the line

of dead princes, stopping to kick one of them on the head and address

his poor clay in some words of shameful insult, and was prancing about

before Cetewayo, shouting his praises.

"Who is this umfokazana?" [that is, low fellow] growled the Prince. "Bid

him cease his noise and speak, lest he should be silent for ever."

"O Calf of the Black Cow, I am Umbezi, 'Eater-up-of-Elephants,' chief

captain of Saduko the Cunning, he who won you the battle, father of

Mameena the Beautiful, whom Saduko wed and whom the dead dog, Umbelazi,

stole away from him."

"Ah!" said Cetewayo, screwing up his eyes in a fashion he had when

he meant mischief, which among the Zulus caused him to be named the

"Bull-who-shuts-his-eyes-to-toss," "and what have you to tell me,

'Eater-up-of-Elephants' and father of Mameena, whom the dead dog,

Umbelazi, took away from your master, Saduko the Cunning?"

"This, O Mighty One; this, O Shaker of the Earth, that well am I named

'Eater-up-of-Elephants,' who have eaten up Indhlovu-ene-Sihlonti--the

Elephant himself."

Now Saduko seemed to awake from his brooding and started from his place;

but Cetewayo sharply bade him be silent, whereon Umbezi, the fool,

noting nothing, continued his tale.

"O Prince, I met Umbelazi in the battle, and when he saw me he fled from

me; yes, his heart grew soft as water at the sight of me, the warrior

whom he had wronged, whose daughter he had stolen." Copyright 2016 - 2024