"I will try," I answered, "but it's a long shot." Dismounting, I climbed

a pile of stones and, resting my rifle on the topmost of them, took

a very full sight, aimed, held my breath, and pressed the trigger. A

second afterwards the shouter of insults threw his arms wide, letting

fall his spear, and pitched forward on to his face.

A roar of delight rose from the watching Amawombe, while old Maputa

clapped his thin brown hands and grinned from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Macumazahn. A very good omen! Now I am sure that, whatever

those Isigqosa dogs of Umbelazi's may do, we King's men shall make an

excellent end, which is all that we can hope. Oh, what a beautiful shot!

It will be something to think of when I am an idhlozi, a spirit-snake,

crawling about my own kraal. Farewell, Macumazahn," and he took my

hand and pressed it. "The time has come. I go to lead the charge. The

Amawombe have orders to defend you to the last, for I wish you to see

the finish of this fight. Farewell."

Then off he hurried, followed by his orderlies and staff-officers.

I never saw him again alive, though I think that once in after years I

did meet his idhlozi in his kraal under strange circumstances. But that

has nothing to do with this history.

As for me, having reloaded, I mounted my horse again, being afraid lest,

if I went on shooting, I should miss and spoil my reputation. Besides,

what was the use of killing more men unless I was obliged? There were

plenty ready to do that.

Another minute, and the regiment in front of us began to move, while the

other two behind it ostentatiously sat themselves down in their ranks,

to show that they did not mean to spoil sport. The fight was to begin

with a duel between about six thousand men.

"Good!" muttered the warrior who was nearest me. "They are in our bag."

"Aye," answered another, "those little boys" (used as a term of

contempt) "are going to learn their last lesson."

For a few seconds there was silence, while the long ranks leant forward

between the hedges of lean and cruel spears. A whisper went down the

line; it sounded like the noise of wind among trees, and was the signal

to prepare. Next a far-off voice shouted some word, which was repeated

again and again by other voices before and behind me. I became aware

that we were moving, quite slowly at first, then more quickly. Being

lifted above the ranks upon my horse I could see the whole advance,

and the general aspect of it was that of a triple black wave, each wave

crowned with foam--the white plumes and shields of the Amawombe were

the foam--and alive with sparkles of light--their broad spears were the


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