Soon, however, things grew so exciting that I forgot these and other

melancholy reflections in watching the development of events from the

summit of our tumulus-like knoll, whence I had a magnificent view of the

whole battle. Here, after seeing that his regiment made a full meal,

as a good general should, old Maputa joined me, whom I asked whether he

thought there would be any fighting for him that day.

"I think so, I think so," he answered cheerfully. "It seems to me that

the Usutu greatly outnumber Umbelazi and the Isigqosa, and, of course,

as you know, Panda's orders are that if he is in danger we must help

him. Oh, keep a good heart, Macumazahn, for I believe I can promise you

that you will see our spears grow red to-day. You will not go hungry

from this battle to tell the white people that the Amawombe are cowards

whom you could not flog into the fight. No, no, Macumazahn, my Spirit

looks towards me this morning, and I who am old and who thought that

I should die at length like a cow, shall see one more great fight--my

twentieth, Macumazahn; for I fought with this same Amawombe in all the

Black One's big battles, and for Panda against Dingaan also."

"Perhaps it will be your last," I suggested.

"I dare say, Macumazahn; but what does that matter if only I and the

royal regiment can make an end that shall be spoken of? Oh, cheer up,

cheer up, Macumazahn; your Spirit, too, looks towards you, as I promise

that we all will do when the shields meet; for know, Macumazahn, that we

poor black soldiers expect that you will show us how to fight this day,

and, if need be, how to fall hidden in a heap of the foe."

"Oh!" I replied, "so this is what you Zulus mean by the 'giving of

counsel,' is it?--you infernal, bloodthirsty old scoundrel," I added in


But I think Maputa never heard me. At any rate, he only seized my arm

and pointed in front, a little to the left, where the horn of the great

Usutu army was coming up fast, a long, thin line alive with twinkling

spears; their moving arms and legs causing them to look like spiders, of

which the bodies were formed by the great war shields.

"See their plan?" he said. "They would close on Umbelazi and gore him

with their horns and then charge with their head. The horn will pass

between us and the right flank of the Isigqosa. Oh! awake, awake,

Elephant! Are you asleep with Mameena in a hut? Unloose your spears,

Child of the King, and at them as they mount the slope. Behold!" he went

on, "it is the Son of Dunn that begins the battle! Did I not tell you

that we must look to the white men to show us the way? Peep through your

tube, Macumazahn, and tell me what passes." Copyright 2016 - 2024