So I stayed on at Nodwengu, who, indeed, had no choice in the matter,

and was very wretched and ill at ease. The place was almost deserted,

except for a couple of regiments which were quartered there, the

Sangqu and the Amawombe. This latter was the royal regiment, a kind

of Household Guards, to which the Kings Chaka, Dingaan and Panda all

belonged in turn. Most of the headmen had taken one side or the other,

and were away raising forces to fight for Cetewayo or Umbelazi, and even

the greater part of the women and children had gone to hide themselves

in the bush or among the mountains, since none knew what would happen,

or if the conquering army would not fall upon and destroy them.

A few councillors, however, remained with Panda, among whom was old

Maputa, the general, who had once brought me the "message of the pills."

Several times he visited me at night and told me the rumours that were

flying about. From these I gathered that some skirmishes had taken place

and the battle could not be long delayed; also that Umbelazi had chosen

his fighting ground, a plain near the banks of the Tugela.

"Why has he done this," I asked, "seeing that then he will have a

broad river behind him, and if he is defeated water can kill as well as


"I know not for certain," answered Maputa; "but it is said because of a

dream that Saduko, his general, has dreamed thrice, which dream declares

that there and there alone Umbelazi will find honour. At any rate, he

has chosen this place; and I am told that all the women and children of

his army, by thousands, are hidden in the bush along the banks of the

river, so that they may fly into Natal if there is need."

"Have they wings," I asked, "wherewith to fly over the Tugela 'in

wrath,' as it well may be after the rains? Oh, surely his Spirit has

turned from Umbelazi!"

"Aye, Macumazahn," he answered, "I, too, think that ufulatewe idhlozi

[that is, his own Spirit] has turned its back on him. Also I think that

Saduko is no good councillor. Indeed, were I the prince," added the old

fellow shrewdly, "I would not keep him whose wife I had stolen as the

whisperer in my ear."

"Nor I, Maputa," I answered as I bade him good-bye.

Two days later, early in the morning, Maputa came to me again and said

that Panda wished to see me. I went to the head of the kraal, where I

found the King seated and before him the captains of the royal Amawombe


"Watcher-by-Night," he said, "I have news that the great battle between

my sons will take place within a few days. Therefore I am sending down

this, my own royal regiment, under the command of Maputa the skilled in

war to spy out the battle, and I pray that you will go with it, that

you may give to the General Maputa and to the captains the help of

your wisdom. Now these are my orders to you, Maputa, and to you, O

captains--that you take no part in the fight unless you should see that

the Elephant, my son Umbelazi, is fallen into a pit, and that then you

shall drag him out if you can and save him alive. Now repeat my words to

me." Copyright 2016 - 2024