"If he is so great, why, then, did he not save your father also,

Saduko?" I asked, as though I knew nothing of this Zikali.

"I cannot say, Macumazahn. Perhaps the spirits plant a tree for

themselves, and to do so cut down many other trees. At least, so it

happened. It happened thus: Bangu, chief of the Amakoba, whispered into

Dingaan's ear that Matiwane, my father, was a wizard; also that he was

very rich. Dingaan listened because he thought a sickness that he had

came from Matiwane's witchcraft. He said: 'Go, Bangu, and take a company

with you and pay Matiwane a visit of honour, and in the night, O in the

night! Afterwards, Bangu, we will divide the cattle, for Matiwane is

strong and clever, and you shall not risk your life for nothing.'"

Saduko paused and looked down at the ground, brooding heavily.

"Macumazahn, it was done," he said presently. "They ate my father's

meat, they drank his beer; they gave him a present from the king, they

praised him with high names; yes, Bangu took snuff with him and called

him brother. Then in the night, O in the night--!

"My father was in the hut with my mother, and I, so big only"--and he

held his hand at the height of a boy of ten--"was with them. The cry

arose, the flames began to eat; my father looked out and saw. 'Break

through the fence and away, woman,' he said; 'away with Saduko, that he

may live to avenge me. Begone while I hold the gate! Begone to Zikali,

for whose witchcrafts I pay with my blood.' "Then he kissed me on the brow, saying but one word, 'Remember,' and

thrust us from the hut.

"My mother broke a way through the fence; yes, she tore at it with her

nails and teeth like a hyena. I looked back out of the shadow of the hut

and saw Matiwane my father fighting like a buffalo. Men went down before

him, one, two, three, although he had no shield: only his spear. Then

Bangu crept behind him and stabbed him in the back and he threw up his

arms and fell. I saw no more, for by now we were through the fence. We

ran, but they perceived us. They hunted us as wild dogs hunt a buck.

They killed my mother with a throwing assegai; it entered at her back

and came out at her heart. I went mad, I drew it from her body, I ran at

them. I dived beneath the shield of the first, a very tall man, and held

the spear, so, in both my little hands. His weight came upon its point

and it went through him as though he were but a bowl of buttermilk. Yes,

he rolled over, quite dead, and the handle of the spear broke upon the

ground. Now the others stopped astonished, for never had they seen such

a thing. That a child should kill a tall warrior, oh! that tale had not

been told. Some of them would have let me go, but just then Bangu came

up and saw the dead man, who was his brother.

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