So Masapo was led off, looking very dejected, and, having saluted the

King, we all went away.

I should add that, except for the remission of the case to the court

of the witch-doctor, which, of course, was an instance of pure Kafir

superstition, this judgment of the King's seemed to me well reasoned and

just, very different indeed from what would have been given by Dingaan

or Chaka, who were wont, on less evidence, to make a clean sweep not

only of the accused, but of all his family and dependents.

About eight days later, during which time I had heard nothing of the

matter and seen no one connected with it, for the whole thing seemed to

have become Zila--that is, not to be talked about--I received a summons

to attend the "smelling-out," and went, wondering what witch-doctor had

been chosen for that bloody and barbarous ceremony. Indeed, I had not

far to go, since the place selected for the occasion was outside the

fence of the town of Nodwengu, on that great open stretch of ground

which lay at the mouth of the valley where I was camped. Here, as I

approached, I saw a vast multitude of people crowded together, fifty

deep or more, round a little oval space not much larger than the pit

of a theatre. On the inmost edge of this ring were seated many notable

people, male and female, and as I was conducted to the side of it which

was nearest to the gate of the town, I observed among them Saduko,

Masapo, Mameena and others, and mixed up with them a number of soldiers,

who were evidently on duty.

Scarcely had I seated myself on a camp-stool, carried by my servant

Scowl, when through the gate of the kraal issued Panda and certain

of his Council, whose appearance the multitude greeted with the royal

salute of "Bayéte", that came from them in a deep and simultaneous roar

of sound. When its echoes died away, in the midst of a deep silence

Panda spoke, saying: "Bring forth the Nyanga [doctor]. Let the umhlahlo [that is, the

witch-trial] begin!"

There was a long pause, and then in the open gateway appeared a solitary

figure that at first sight seemed to be scarcely human, the figure of

a dwarf with a gigantic head, from which hung long, white hair, plaited

into locks. It was Zikali, no other!

Quite unattended, and naked save for his moocha, for he had on him none

of the ordinary paraphernalia of the witch-doctor, he waddled forward

with a curious toad-like gait till he had passed through the Councillors

and stood in the open space of the ring. Halting there, he looked about

him slowly with his deep-set eyes, turning as he looked, till at length

his glance fell upon the King. Copyright 2016 - 2024