"Piff! My husband is big yet not brave," she said, "but I do not think

he meant to hurt you, woman."

"Do you speak to me, wife of Masapo?" asked Nandie with gentle dignity,

as she gained her feet and picked up the stunned child. "If so, my name

and titles are the Inkosazana Nandie, daughter of the Black One and wife

of the lord Saduko."

"Your pardon," replied Mameena humbly, for she was cowed at once. "I did

not know who you were, Inkosazana."

"It is granted, wife of Masapo. Macumazahn, give me water, I pray you,

that I may bathe the head of my child."

The water was brought, and presently, when the little one seemed all

right again, for it had only received a scratch, Nandie thanked me and

departed to her own huts, saying with a smile to her husband as she

passed that there was no need for him to accompany her, as she had

servants waiting at the kraal gate. So Saduko stayed behind, and Mameena

stayed also. He talked with me for quite a long while, for he had much

to tell me, although all the time I felt that his heart was not in his

talk. His heart was with Mameena, who sat there and smiled continually

in her mysterious way, only putting in a word now and again, as though

to excuse her presence.

At length she rose and said with a sigh that she must be going back to

where the Amasomi were in camp, as Masapo would need her to see to his

food. By now it was quite dark, although I remember that from time to

time the sky was lit up by sheet lightning, for a storm was brewing. As

I expected, Saduko rose also, saying that he would see me on the morrow,

and went away with Mameena, walking like one who dreams.

A few minutes later I had occasion to leave the wagons in order to

inspect one of the oxen which was tied up by itself at a distance,

because it had shown signs of some sickness that might or might not be

catching. Moving quietly, as I always do from a hunter's habit, I walked

alone to the place where the beast was tethered behind some mimosa

thorns. Just as I reached these thorns the broad lightning shone out

vividly, and showed me Saduko holding the unresisting shape of Mameena

in his arms and kissing her passionately.

Then I turned and went back to the wagons even more quietly than I had


I should add that on the morrow I found out that, after all, there was

nothing serious the matter with my ox.

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