“I mean two weeks where it’s not allowed. See how hard it is.”

Eli’s hand tightened on my waist and he pulled me back against his erection again.

Kristen glanced behind her with a small smile on her face. “Two weeks actually sounds like heaven. A little mini-vacation from you, we should do it.”

Jason’s head jerked and he looked at the back of her head. “Seriously? Are we having this conversation right now? And pick one, either act like we always have it, or act like we don’t.”

“We should try it.”

“We are not talking about this. We’re in a fucking bar, for Christ’s sake.” Jason’s neck and cheeks were bright red, and Kristen was no longer holding back her laughter.

“I want to be in the honeymoon stage again,” she complained, and gestured toward Eli and me. “I want to be this annoying to people when we’re out in public.”

“You should totally do the two-week challenge,” I chimed in. “Maybe even end it with a second honeymoon; it could be epic.”

Jason glowered and pointed at Eli before pointing at me. “I blame you for this. What have you done to little innocent Paisley?”

Eli snorted. “Innocent.”

A look of horror crossed Jason’s face. “Don’t say that to me! In my mind she’s little innocent Paisley.”

“Well, don’t say that like I’m twelve or something,” I huffed. “That just makes this creepy.”

“Troll,” Eli whispered.

“Chewbacca,” I shot back.

“He spanks her,” Kristen whined—puppy eyes and all.

“Wh-what?” Jason gave me a double take before he stopped looking at me altogether. “No, no.”

“He does.” I sent him an awkward smile when he chanced a look again and shrugged, and Eli bent down to whisper, “You told her about that?”

“We’re girls,” I explained. “It’s what we do.”

“I need that visual out of my head.” Jason groaned.

“He—” Kristen began, but Jason cut her off.

“For the love of God, stop. I don’t want to know what they do. This is Paisley.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t want to know about Kristen,” Eli muttered, and I elbowed him in the stomach. He must have gotten the hint to stop agreeing with Jason, because he added, “You should try it, man. Just sayin’.”

Jason ran his hands over his face before grabbing Kristen’s hand. “Fuck you both,” he grumbled toward Eli and me, but he had a determined look on his face as he began towing his wife away from the bar.

“Have fun!” I called after them, and Kristen turned around, an excited smile lighting up her face.

“Shut the fuck up!” Jason groaned.

I laughed against Eli’s chest and turned to face him.

“That would’ve been nice to have been clued in beforehand.”

“You choking on your beer was priceless, though.” Running my hands through his hair, I pulled his face closer to mine to kiss him softly. “I’m sure Jason will thank us later.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I can’t believe you told Kristen.”

“Like I said, we’re girls, it’s what we do.”

“If you say so.” He rolled his eyes. “So back to you being a tease . . .”

My eyes popped open. “Oh! We need to leave!”

“What? Why?”

Schooling my expression, I turned to look at him after waving down the bartender. With one eyebrow raised, I said quietly, “Just trust me.”

The heat was back in his eyes as he closed out the tab and towed us out to the parking lot. With a quick, searing kiss, he got me in my car and jogged across the lot to his truck. The entire way back to his apartment I was working to build up the courage for what I wanted to do.

It was my turn to control this.

Eli grabbed for my bag filled with clothes for the weekend and began walking toward his door, but I stopped him.

“Uh, no. I need that back.”

He slowly handed it back to me with a puzzled look now on his rugged face.

“And I need you to go pack for the weekend, then meet me back in your truck.”

“Okay . . . ?”

I nodded and took a deep breath in. Step one had been a lot easier than I’d thought it would be. “Okay.”

He unlocked the doors for me to climb into his truck, and I threw my bag in the backseat as I waited for him. Less than five minutes later he was walking back out with a small gym bag in his hand. Tossing it in the back with mine, he climbed up front and cranked the engine.

“Now what?”

“Now . . . you drive south.”

“How far south?”

“About an hour and a half if we’re lucky. I’ll let you know when we need to exit.”

His eyes narrowed suspiciously, but he looked over his shoulder and backed out of the space without asking any more questions. My heart was racing as I waited for us to get on the freeway, and I had to grip my hands so I wouldn’t continue to fidget with them. If Eli noticed my anxiousness, he didn’t comment on it, and I tried to draw from his calm demeanor while simultaneously pumping myself up.

I could do this.

I could drive Eli crazy.

As soon as we were on the freeway and Eli wasn’t changing a bunch of lanes anymore, I blew out a deep breath and raised my hips, bringing my hands under my short skirt to grab my underwear.

“What—holy shit,” he breathed as I pulled them off and left them on the floorboard. “Pay, baby, what are you doing?”

“I had a reason for wearing this skirt, just not the one you were thinking.” My voice shook as I turned in the seat and brought one foot up to rest on the dashboard, the other on the leather of the seat.

Eli’s head quickly whipped back and forth between the freeway and where I was baring myself to him.

“You should focus on driving.”

“Kinda fucking hard, Paisley,” he gritted out.


He looked back at me and bit down on his lip, but I’m pretty sure I still heard a curse in there. “Are you trying to get us killed?”

“No. Like I said, you really should focus on driving.”

I sat there, completely exposed, and waited for almost twenty minutes before he finally relaxed his rigid frame and focused only on the freeway. Another couple minutes after that, I brought my hand down and ran my fingers along my wet lips; a gasp escaped my mouth when I did.

“You. Are. Not,” he growled, and looked over at me. His eyes widened before narrowing with what looked like anger. But I knew Eli enough to know that it was a frustration I was going to enjoy later. “Paisley.”

I circled my clit before going lower to tease my entrance, and Eli’s hands tightened on the steering wheel.

“I’m exiting the damn freeway.”

“If you do, you can’t touch me for the rest of the weekend. And I have this place through Sunday night. Jason talked with your boss, you have Monday off.”

He wasn’t looking at me, but his face fell as my words registered in his mind. “Evil. You are so evil.”

Removing my hand, I waited for over thirty minutes before he calmed down again, and when he did, I went right back to where I’d been. I moved my hips against my hand, circled my clit roughly, and pressed my fingers inside me. Each moan, each whimper, each gasp had Eli clenching the steering wheel harder and harder.

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