A true emotion had unsealed his lips but the words that came out of them

were no louder than the murmur of a light wind. It died away.

"That's just it," said Flora de Barral under her breath. Without

removing his eyes from her he took off his hat. It was a tall hat. The

hat of the trial. The hat of the thumb-nail sketches in the illustrated

papers. One comes out in the same clothes, but seclusion counts! It is

well known that lurid visions haunt secluded men, monks, hermits--then

why not prisoners? De Barral the convict took off the silk hat of the

financier de Barral and deposited it on the front seat of the cab. Then

he blew out his cheeks. He was red in the face.

"And then what happens?" he began again in his contained voice. "Here I

am, overthrown, broken by envy, malice and all uncharitableness. I come

out--and what do I find? I find that my girl Flora has gone and married

some man or other, perhaps a fool, how do I know; or perhaps--anyway not

good enough."

"Stop, papa."

"A silly love affair as likely as not," he continued monotonously, his

thin lips writhing between the ill-omened sunk corners. "And a very

suspicious thing it is too, on the part of a loving daughter."

She tried to interrupt him but he went on till she actually clapped her

hand on his mouth. He rolled his eyes a bit but when she took her hand

away he remained silent.

"Wait. I must tell you . . . And first of all, papa, understand this,

for everything's in that: he is the most generous man in the world. He

is . . . "

De Barral very still in his corner uttered with an effort "You are in

love with him."

"Papa! He came to me. I was thinking of you. I had no eyes for

anybody. I could no longer bear to think of you. It was then that he

came. Only then. At that time when--when I was going to give up."

She gazed into his faded blue eyes as if yearning to be understood, to be

given encouragement, peace--a word of sympathy. He declared without

animation "I would like to break his neck."

She had the mental exclamation of the overburdened.

"Oh my God!" and watched him with frightened eyes. But he did not appear

insane or in any other way formidable. This comforted her. The silence

lasted for some little time. Then suddenly he asked: "What's your name then?"

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