"I'll take your young friend willingly, Mr. Powell. If you let him sign

on as second-mate at once I'll take the Articles away with me now."

"It suddenly dawned upon me that the innocent skipper of the Ferndale

had taken it for granted that I was a relative of the Shipping Master! I

was quite astonished at this discovery, though indeed the mistake was

natural enough under the circumstances. What I ought to have admired was

the reticence with which this misunderstanding had been established and

acted upon. But I was too stupid then to admire anything. All my

anxiety was that this should be cleared up. I was ass enough to wonder

exceedingly at Mr. Powell failing to notice the misapprehension. I saw a

slight twitch come and go on his face; but instead of setting right that

mistake the Shipping Master swung round on his stool and addressed me as

'Charles.' He did. And I detected him taking a hasty squint at my

certificate just before, because clearly till he did so he was not sure

of my christian name. "Now then come round in front of the desk,

Charles," says he in a loud voice.

"Charles! At first, I declare to you, it didn't seem possible that he

was addressing himself to me. I even looked round for that Charles but

there was nobody behind me except the thin-necked chap still hard at his

writing, and the other three Shipping Masters who were changing their

coats and reaching for their hats, making ready to go home. It was the

industrious thin-necked man who without laying down his pen lifted with

his left hand a flap near his desk and said kindly: "Pass this way."

I walked through in a trance, faced Mr. Powell, from whom I learned that

we were bound to Port Elizabeth first, and signed my name on the Articles

of the ship Ferndale as second mate--the voyage not to exceed two


"You won't fail to join--eh?" says the captain anxiously. "It would

cause no end of trouble and expense if you did. You've got a good six

hours to get your gear together, and then you'll have time to snatch a

sleep on board before the crew joins in the morning."

"It was easy enough for him to talk of getting ready in six hours for a

voyage that was not to exceed two years. He hadn't to do that trick

himself, and with his sea-chest locked up in an outhouse the key of which

had been mislaid for a week as I remembered. But neither was I much

concerned. The idea that I was absolutely going to sea at six o'clock

next morning hadn't got quite into my head yet. It had been too sudden.

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