He started to express this phenomenon to Claire, but she merely smiled, then disappeared right in front of him. Gone.

“Claire, what the f**k?”

She came straight back, grabbed him by the lapels of his leather coat, then pulled him through what turned out to be just another layer of very powerful disguise, one that had confused even his strong, Ancestral mind.

“Impressive,” he murmured.

He moved into a small cavern, maybe thirty feet in width and thirty across. The stone floor was very old, ancient in fact, created at least three thousand years ago. This cavern hadn’t seen activity in a long time.

He turned in a circle, but even he could see that there was nothing here. “Claire, is this another disguise? Because I’m not getting anything.”

She shook her head and the chains told him she was serious as she said, “Not even a whisper of a disguise. This is it. And you’re right, there’s nothing here. Is it possible Arsen and Salazar were lying?”

Lucian shook his head. “I don’t believe they were. They’d done their homework, assembling and cross-checking all the rumors and facts carefully. And they would never have crossed Daniel by lying.”

“Do you think someone got the weapon first?”

“I doubt it, only because not even Arsen and Salazar couldn’t get past the disguise; no one but you could. And I’m not sure there’s another vampire in our world that could do that.”

“And why this cavern?”

Lucian shook his head. “Who knows? Maybe the scientists who created these weapons hoped that one day our culture would have evolved enough to have made better use of the basic technology, so they chose remote hiding places like this.”

Claire still moved about the space, examining the walls carefully. “What does the weapon do and why were there so many of them?”

“They emit a form of high-pitched sound waves that proved to have the capacity to kill all the vampires in one locale. As for the number of them, my understanding is that in the nineteen fifties there was a kind of secret arms race to develop a weapon that could subjugate large portions of the vampire population all at one time, a kind of riot control. Instead the weapon proved to be a killing machine, damaging the brain through the auditory channels, which as you know are hypersensitive in our kind.”

“Like bats.”

“Going for the obvious.”

“Couldn’t help it.” She smiled, then, using the iPhone Eve had given her, she started taking a video of the space. She moved slowly around the entire circumference and even covered the floor. “I don’t know if the patterns on the stones mean anything, but they aren’t anywhere else in your world that I’ve seen yet.”

He remained in the center, staring up at the ceiling, looking for anything out of place, then focused on the walls. Except for the arched opening through which they’d come into the cavern, there were no other entrances or exits.

Claire finished her video and had just put her phone back in the pocket of her jeans when Daniel emerged through the secret entrance to the cavern.

Just like that.

Lucian heard Claire take in a ragged breath as she returned quickly to him, then slipped her hand in his.

Daniel’s gaze dropped to their joined hands and he smiled. “How tender. Did you enjoy the tunnel of love, my son? Did you make love to your new woman?”

Lucian met his father’s amused, hard gaze. “So you followed us.”

“I had my spies watching The Erotic Passage, but I doubled the detail when I learned that Arsen and Salazar had been taken into custody.”

He turned toward Claire. “So how are you? Do you miss the boy, Josh? Of course you do. My associate, Mr. Kiernan, chose you over Zoey because you were better educated. But dear Zoey, what a tender spirit, yet a fighting spirit.”

“Is she still alive?” Claire gripped Lucian’s hand hard, but he could feel her summon her courage, and he loved that about her—the way she faced up to things.

He shook his head and clucked his tongue. “That poor child. She’s been deteriorating, you see. She’d stopped eating, not a good thing for a human. And yes, that was several weeks ago, which is why she looked so bad when I let you see her.”

Lucian’s chains vibrated at his neck. He could feel the impact his father’s careless words were having on Claire, tearing her hopes down bit by bit. Daniel would never just come out and say that Zoey had died; what would be the fun in that when he could draw it out and let Claire live it piecemeal, one horrific detail after the next.

Daniel glanced at Lucian. “My son doesn’t approve of my telling you these things. How interesting, Lucian, that you’ve taken to a woman, a human like your mother, very Freudian, though, don’t you think? A strong vampire female would suit you much better, give as good as she got.”

But his gaze shifted suddenly back to Claire and he frowned slightly. “So I take it that you have a special ability to see through the disguises. Even I barely finessed the last one, except that I’d watched you pull my son through a wall of rock. I took it on faith and did the same. It was rather amazing, going against all the fear the disguise created in me. I confess, I’m much impressed with you.”

But Claire ignored these comments and got back to the subject that mattered. “Where is Zoey now?”

Daniel turned and walked slowly to his right, just a few paces. He glanced up at the ceiling, around the walls, then took in the floor. “Looks like a wild goose chase, a perfect waste of time, Arsen and Salazar up to their old tricks.”

“Zoey. What happened to Zoey?”

He turned his gaze on her, those light, gold-flecked eyes of his. “Humans rarely last two years—and do you know why, Claire? Because they give up. The despair gets to your people. Even when I told Zoey you’d be coming for her, that you wanted to take her home, she just stared at me like she didn’t believe a word I said.” He smiled and chuckled softly, bastard that he was. “Imagine Zoey not believing me. I was rather offended.”

Lucian barely registered what he felt as his father strolled through the cavern, except that the tremors had started again, the ones that would take him into blood-madness once more. Daniel had been the cause this time, or—more aptly—Lucian’s hatred for him.

He tracked his father, mistrusting him for a lot of good reasons.

“Zoey was a good lay, though, I’ll give her that. She was built the way I like.” He glanced at Claire, then away. “Another reason why you got sent to Florida and I moved her into the Dark Cave system.”

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