He stared into Claire’s light-brown eyes, still breathing hard. He’d resisted and feared this moment his entire life: The double-chains would make him Daniel’s equal, his competitor, his true enemy.

And once the chain was on, Daniel wouldn’t be far behind.

But would the rise to Ancestral status make it impossible for him to battle the constant evil that threatened to take him over? Or would he become a sadistic killer? Would darkness rule his mind and his thoughts the way it did his father’s? Or was he truly the man Claire believed him to be?

Claire’s beautiful voice eased through his mind. Are you ready?

He nodded slowly. I am.

Lucian drew the chains close. He could smell the power of them now, what they would bring him. He wanted that power—and here was another of his truths: He’d longed for Ancestral power from the moment he’d first learned of its potential.

He drew in a deep breath, one that went to the base of his lungs, and without any more questioning of motive or purpose he slid the double-chain over his neck.

On instinct, at the same moment, he took the single-chain off and tossed it onto Rumy’s desk.

Then he waited.

He met Claire’s gaze.

The first thing he felt was the absolute purity of her soul. The second thing he knew was his complete unworthiness of being with a woman like her.

Then the power struck like a blow to his head, and he fell to his knees. He hadn’t known what to expect, but the sheer level of the power felt like a tornado in his body. Some deep part of him resisted.

Claire’s hand was on his arm once more, and she squeezed hard as she knelt beside him. Lucian, listen to me. I can feel that you’re holding back, but you have to let go, let the power become part of you.

I can’t. I’ll become like Daniel.

Gray spots flew through his vision. He’d lose consciousness soon.

She shifted to get in front of him, then put both her hands on his face. Look at me, dammit. Lucian, look at me. You can do this! You’re not Daniel. You think you are, but you’re not, and that’s something both Rumy and I agree on. You’re worthy of this power and this power will change your world for the better. I know it will.

Her words started filtering through the spots. Somewhere in the middle of the power crushing him and his fading consciousness, he decided to believe her.

He opened his lungs wide, arched his neck, and let it come.

Ancestral power, what had been his from the beginning, now flooded him in waves, perfect and beautiful, like an old friend returning to have a long brilliant conversation.

Once his resistance left, his spirit soared. He extended his arms up and out as though embracing all that there was in the world, in life.

Lucian, I can feel what you’re experiencing and it’s magnificent.

He opened his eyes and looked at Claire. He saw her as though surrounded by a halo of light. Even his vision had changed, sharper, clearer.

He rose up, lifting her to her feet at the same time. He turned to face her. He touched her gleaming auburn hair, letting the strands sift through his fingers. The texture was coarse yet somehow silky at the same time.

He leaned in and smelled her hair, then her forehead. The scent of her blood came to him like a sharp blade of sensation. He’d loved tasting her blood from the first drop in the Dark Cave system. He wanted more, but something stood in the way.

He eased his shoulders back and stood up straighter. He turned in a slow circle, just sensing his surroundings. He felt the club, even the miles of underground dwellings and theaters, even Rumy’s villa hidden in the center behind thick disguises, Rumy’s safe place.

So this was what it meant to have Ancestral power, to have all of his powers and abilities heightened. He was astonished at how far he could reach out to gather information.

He retrieved the second double-chain and put it over Claire’s head, settling it on her neck. As he’d done with his own, he took the single-chain and removed it at the same time.

She gasped then smiled. “It’s amazing, like hearing a choir of angels sing.”

Lucian felt nothing but gratitude as the bond between them strengthened. He drew her into his arms. For a long time, as his Ancestral power flowed and began to settle into every cell of his body, he held her close.

After a few minutes he drew back and saw that Claire’s eyes were full of fire. “What is it?”

“Let’s go get the girls.”

“Can you feel them? Do you know where they are? Rumy tells me that when Adrien and Lily formed a tracking pair, she could focus on a specific cavern and get a reading.”

He watched her turn her thoughts inward, but he could see that she still struggled to get a reading, despite the new level of power they shared.

“I don’t think I have Lily’s gift—or if I do, it’s not the same. What I sense when I think of Amber involves deep swirling patterns. I think I’m sensing the disguising pattern that keeps her hidden.”

“Can you tell if she’s in Hawaii?”

At that, she nodded, then smiled. “Yes, absolutely. I can at least tell you that much.”

Chapter 6

Suddenly a new voice intruded straight into Claire’s mind.


A young woman’s voice. How was that even possible?

She drew back slightly. “Lucian, I think I’m hearing someone calling to me.”

He shook his head. “Who?”

“I’m not sure.” At first she thought it might be Zoey. But she focused once more on Hawaii and suddenly, Amber’s voice pierced her mind. Claire, is that you? Claire? Am I talking inside your head because I feel you inside mine? Claire?

Amber? Zoey’s sister?

She thought she heard a scream, or a squeal maybe, and she gripped Lucian’s arm hard.

“What is it, Claire?”

She shook her head in disbelief. “I’m communicating with Amber telepathically.”

He looked stunned. “This is a result of Ancestral power.”

Claire nodded.

His lips worked as though he ran through a quick litany of questions. Finally, he asked, “Does she know where she is?”

Claire asked her, but Amber’s response was cloaked in sobs. When Claire finally made sense of what Amber was saying, she addressed Lucian. “She doesn’t know. She smelled fruit of some kind, and some of it rotten, but that’s the most she could tell me.”

“We’ll figure it out. Tell her we’re coming.”

Claire nodded, then turned her thoughts toward Amber. It’s okay. We’re coming for you, sometime within the next hour. Be ready. We’re leaving now.

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