Shannie looked at me, kissed her fingers and touched my forehead. "You know it."


"You know, if I would have known then what I know now, I would have pissed on his grave too, " Shannie said. It was Memorial Day weekend '97. Shannie and I ventured to Indian Point. The weather was perfect, the sky deep cobalt blue.

"I've pissed on it enough for the both of us." I watched a jet birthing contrails as it raced westward.

"Really, abusing corpses. That's disgusting!" Shannie pontificated. It was one of many rumors that surfaced as the departed cooled in his grave.

"Consider the source" I mouthed as the jet disappeared.

"If I would have known, I would have pulled the trigger for the sicko. The sick fuck! Ewww, he still makes my skin crawl."

"You don't really believe that." I turned my attention to Shannie. She sat Indian style on a rock overlooking the Schuylkill River. I smiled, gazing at the grown up version of the girl I knew so well. Gone was the seriousness that inhabited her features like an unwanted house guest over recent years. For the first time in ages she pulled her hair back into a French braid. A lose fitting T-shirt grazed against her nipples teasing me with their outline. I couldn't remember the last time Shannie went without a bra.

"Why wouldn't I?" She questioned.

"You? Miss Substantiated evidence believe mere hearsay?

"I have considered the sources and I consider it worthy. Diane heard it from Mrs. Miller."

"Mrs. Miller! That old bat is past due at the funeral parlor. How can you believe anything she says? Her gaggle of yentas are nuttier than a bag M and M's.

"How can you say that?" Shannie laughed.

"You're laughing. You know I'm right."

"Am not," Shannie protested.

"Are too," I insisted.

"No I'm not," she said trying to hide a smile. "God," Shannie said glancing at Angel Wind's monument. "Do you remember when I went off up here?"

"Sure do," Freshly whitewashed rocks circled the foot of monument. The old cross sported a fresh coat of paint.

Shannie smiled - it was a sad, nostalgic smile. "How can people live lies?"

I shrugged. "I guess it's like Steve says. Live by the embalming needle, die by the embalming needle."

Shannie chuckled under her breath before looking out over the river and the rolling hills beyond. Copyright 2016 - 2025