Chapter Thirteen


The soul that threatened my success in winning Pagan back came walking out of her dorm while I was waiting for her to come outside. I swung my leg over my Harley and stood up. What the hell was he doing in her dorm?

“Gee,” I said quietly knowing that she would hear me no matter where she was. There had better be a real good reason for the silly smile on his face. He glanced up at the window to Pagan’s room. I fisted both hands and stalked toward him. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say or do but I had to know why he’d been in her room.

“Whoa, slow down Cowboy; where you going?” Gee grabbed my arm as she appeared at my side.

“To kick his sorry ass,” I replied and jerked my arm from her grasp.

“No. You’re not. This is supposed to happen. Remember? She is going to reconnect with her soul mate. Their souls have to connect Dank. Chill the fuck down.”

I knew this. I hated it, but I knew it. “Why is he coming out of her dorm so damned early in the morning and where were you, anyway?”

Gee smirked, “I’m sure it wasn’t anything like what you’re thinking. Pagan isn’t even into him yet. And as for where I was---let’s just say your drummer is a happy boy this morning.”

“Not Loose again. You can’t get attached, Gee,” I warned. My thoughts were disrupted when the door to her building opened and Pagan stepped outside. My heart slammed against my chest at the site of her. She was in a pair of shorts that were entirely too short for her to wear in public, and her shirt left nothing to the imagination. I saw her frown and followed her gaze to the boy waiting for her. Screw the rules. I wasn’t standing here and letting her go anywhere with him, especially dressed like that.

“Dank, don’t,” Gee called out from behind me but I ignored her and kept walking. I didn’t need a lecture from her when she had been screwing the drummer, again.

Pagan’s gaze swung around and her eyes met mine. A small smile touched her lips and I wanted to pound my chest in jubilation. She was happy to see me. She hadn’t smiled at him. She’d smiled at me.

“Dank?” The surprise in her voice was accompanied by a pleased gleam in her eyes.

“Good morning,” I replied trying to think of a way I could get her to go inside and change without sounding like a jerk.

“What are you doing here?”

Waiting to see you.

Her eyes flew open wide and I realized I’d unintentionally talked to her soul again. I had to stop doing that. “I was up early and thought I’d stop by and see if you wanted to have breakfast with me.”

Her smile faltered as her brain worked through the fact she’d heard me speak in her head.

“Pagan? You coming?” Jay asked keeping his distance from us. I made him nervous; I could feel his fear.

Pagan frowned and looked over at him, “Coming where?”

That’s my girl. Shoot him down.

“I thought we would go get a coffee and talk while they, you know,” he pointed toward her room.

Pagan looked back at me and I seriously considered begging. She pressed her lips together then turned her eyes back toward Jay. “Uh, actually no. I thought you were leaving. I’m sure Nathan will find a way back. Miranda has a car.”

She was choosing me. The urge to reach out and pull her close to me and send a possessive warning to the boy was overwhelming but I kept myself in check.

“You going with him?” Jay asked harshly. I cut my eyes in his direction and he stiffened. Yeah, he better get the warning.

“Yes, Jay, I am. Not that it is your business.”

I was kissing her as soon as he left us the hell alone.

Jay opened his mouth and I pulled back my lips in a snarl. He stopped. Smart boy.

Shaking his head he turned and walked off.

I reached down and threaded my fingers through hers. “Let’s go eat.”

She smiled down at our hands then looked up at me,” Okay. Where to?”

I pulled her closer to me, “Anywhere you want.”

She looked around me and saw my Harley parked across the street. “Are we taking that?” she asked.

“If that’s okay. I can promise you that you will be completely safe.”

She bit down on her bottom lip several times as she contemplated it. Finally, she nodded. “Okay, yeah. Let’s take it.”

I’d brought a helmet with me just in case she agreed to ride with me. Pulling it out of the back compartment I put it on her head and fastened it. She was adorable. I really should have gotten one of these sooner. She’d have been hot riding to school on the back of it with me every morning.

“How do I look?” she asked.

“Hot. Smoking hot.”

A blush covered her cheeks and she ducked her head to hide it. I got on the bike and held my hand out to her. “Come here.”

She slipped her hand in mine and I held her steady as she lifted her leg over the back and scooted in against my back. When she slid her arms around me and her hands grabbed tightly to the tee shirt covering my stomach, I closed my eyes and sighed. Yeah, this was good. Real good.


Riding the back of a motorcycle pressed tightly up against Dank Walker was one of those experiences that all females should have before they die. Nothing compared to it. The dark exotic smell that was his alone invaded my senses. My fingers and palms kept grazing his abs and oh my, were his abs nice. Unlike other abs I’d seen, his were really, really ripped. He had more than just a six-pack. I fought the need to slip my hands under his shirt just to see what the skin covering such a perfect stomach felt like. Unfortunately our ride was over too soon. Dank pulled the motorcycle into a little café that had a sign advertising their breakfast menu outside on a chalkboard.

Dank got off the bike and helped me get off. I was a little unsteady but it worked out to my advantage because he took my waist and pulled me up against his chest. Now I knew what that chest felt like. I was very excited about getting near that stomach and chest.

“I liked that. A lot.” He told me in a low sexy voice.

I swallowed hard and nodded. Might as well be honest. I liked it a lot too. “Yeah, me too.” I glanced down at his stomach. I really wanted to see it bare.

“What you looking at, Pagan?” The amused tone in his voice didn’t mask the fact he was turned on.

I decided to be brave. “I was wondering what your stomach looks like. After our ride I have a few ideas but…” I trailed off.

Dank’s hands squeezed my waist and he took a deep breath, “If you want me to take off my shirt, I’ll be more than happy to oblige. However, can we do it when there are no people around us?”

I nodded and pressed my lips together to keep from laughing. I’d just asked a guy to take off his shirt. Had I ever done something like that? It was liberating.

Dank took my hand and we walked into the cute little café engulfed in delicious aromas. It was a seat-yourself kind of place so Dank led us to the far corner table for two. He pulled out my chair for me; I was positive no one had ever done that before.

Once he was seated he leaned forward and his blue eyes were almost close to the glowing look they often got. “I don’t know how I’m going to eat now. All I can think about is the fact you want my shirt off.”

Giggling, I covered my mouth and looked around. The place was busy, but not too crowded. We had a small amount of privacy where we were sitting. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

Dank’s eyes flared and he reached over and grabbed my hand, “No. If you want something, ask me. Anything.”

Um. Okay. That was, uh, a little intense. But then I was getting used to Dank’s intensity. He was definitely interested in me. There was no question. He liked me as much as I liked him. Jay didn’t stand a chance against this.

“Can I get you something to drink?” A chipper voice asked and I jerked my hand back, startled by the interruption.

“Pagan?” Dank asked looking at me instead of the waitress. I lifted my attention from him to the girl who wasn’t looking at me at all. She was drinking in Dank. I couldn’t blame her. Not one bit.

“Orange juice, please.” She nodded and scribbled it done then looked wistfully at Dank.

“Milk,” he replied still watching me.

“Here are your menus. I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order” she told Dank, who ignored her.

“Thanks,” I replied.

She left and I looked back at Dank. “You’re making me nervous,” I told him.

He frowned and leaned back in his seat. “I’m sorry.”

Great. Now he looked worried. How did someone like him appear so hard and untouchable one minute, then sensitive and hurt the next? He was one big contradiction.

“Don’t apologize. I haven’t had a shower and I have on no makeup. I wasn’t expecting to see you this morning when Miranda kicked me out of the room with nothing but these clothes to put on.”

Dank smirked, “You look perfect. You always do.” Then he paused and leaned forward again, “Why did Miranda kick you out?”

“Nathan came to apologize this morning. He woke us up banging on our door. Jay was with him. Anyway, I’m not sure what he said to make it better because she kicked us out. I’m pretty sure they were getting busy which was why she threw clothes at me and told me to go away.”

“That explains this morning. I was worried I had some competition.”

There was a competition? For me? Oh my.

“No, right now you’re the only one I’m interested in spending more time with.”

The pleased grin that lit up his face was worth putting myself out there.

Our drinks were placed in front of us and I realized I hadn’t even looked at a menu. Dank explained that we needed a few more minutes. Copyright 2016 - 2025