She mopped her forehead, feeling weak. Little specks flashed before her eyes. The landscape became dimmer, and then she realized she was falling. Lord, she prayed, please don't let them get Chauncey, and then she knew nothing.

A cool breeze touched her cheeks and neck. Something metallic touched her lips and she swallowed tepid water. She forced her eyes open to find Bordeaux's face above her. She was draped across his lap so that his body shaded her from the sun and he was fanning her with her hat.

She caught her breath quickly. She was going to get him killed.

"I'm slowing you down," she gasped. "Go on. I'll catch up."

He chuckled softly. "We're almost out of the sand. It will be easier for a while until we get to the Lava fields. I know a place where we can hole up for the night."

He helped her up and she tried to stand, but her legs felt like rubber. "I don't think I can go any further."

"Sure you can."

She shook her head, the motion bringing on a dizzy spell. "Go on without me."

He sighed in exasperation. "Cassie, I'm not leaving you, so you might as well try to go on." He supported her for a few feeble steps and then lifted her into his arms.

"Chauncey, you can't carry me in this heat."

"Then walk."

She wanted to hit him. Didn't he know how tired she was? He carried her about a hundred yards and then set her on her feet, slapping her backside with a sting that brought tears to her eyes. She caught her breath and swung at him.

He dodged her fist and laughed shortly. "Now put that energy into walking."

"You miserable ..."

"Shut up and walk." He slapped her again.

Somehow she managed to take a few steps, and then a few more - fury driving her on. How could he be so cruel? Her legs felt like posts, but she drug one foot in front of another until the ground under her feet seemed to change. Instead of shifting with each step, the ground felt solid. She glanced around at the rock outcroppings. They were out of the sand. Her groggy mind registered the fact that they would no longer leave a trail like a slug. From now on they could practice evasion tactics - and in the next hour she discovered Bordeaux knew a slew of them.

She was stumbling in a senseless daze when Bordeaux caught her in his arms. Everything around her started to spin and then went black. Copyright 2016 - 2024