"Fair enough."

They slid down the hill a ways until they could stand without being seen. He stood and brushed the sand from his clothes and then helped her to her feet. Then he brushed the sand from her pants, finishing up with a light slap on her backside.

"I'll give you 'till we get to Ashley."

And if she still couldn't make up her mind? What then? Would he simply walk away?

They half walked; half slid down the sandy hill to join the others. As they approached, Royce eyed Bordeaux with a smirk.

"You want to lend me them glasses, Bordeaux? That looked like a mighty cozy situation." His eyes shifted to Cassie. "How come he can get familiar and you don't get all huffy?"

She gave him a cold stare, knowing her face was getting red. The last thing she wanted was rivalry among the men. But if they thought she and Bordeaux were engaged, the matter would be closed.

"Maybe we're engaged."

Royce's jaw fell. He fixed inquiring eyes on Bordeaux.

"That so?"

Bordeaux picked up his saddle. "I just asked her to marry me." He carried it a short distance from the others and dropped it to the sand. His body followed the saddle and it became a pillow. He pulled his hat over his eyes.

Royce whistled softly. "You work fast."

Cassie could feel them all watching her as she settled to the ground. All the activity and lack of sleep was catching up with her and she was exhausted.

"You all better get some rest." Pete broke the stunned silence. "I'll stand watch first and Fritz can relieve me in an hour."

"Something I've been wonderin' about," Royce said to Bordeaux. "How come them soldiers wanted you with them?"

Bordeaux didn't move. "Probably because I know how they think."

Royce stared at him. "Who?"

Bordeaux was silent.

"Them Injuns?"

"Get some rest," Bordeaux said in a tone that brought an end to the inquest.

Cassie scooped sand to make a pillow and put her hat over her face. With no shade, there was little chance for rest. The sun baked them with ever intensifying heat. If any rays missed their bodies, the sand reflected it to them. She rolled over and glanced at Bordeaux, who seemed to be resting comfortably. What was his secret?

Secret was the operative word. What did she know about him? How well did he know her father? He didn't seem concerned that she had refused to go back. It seemed unlikely that he would travel so many miles to get her, and then give up. Was it love that had prompted him to propose, or was there something else? Why would Dad pay him to find her? Even though she had made most of the payments on the land, he still had legal claim. What about the twins? How would they fit into Bordeaux's plans? She wasn't going to abandon them to her father so she could enjoy herself. They were depending on her and she wasn't going to let them down.

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