Miss Carew, averse to the anomalous relations of courtship, made as

little delay as possible in getting married. Cashel's luck was not

changed by the event. Bingley Byron died three weeks after the

ceremony (which was civic and private); and Cashel had to claim

possession of the property in Dorsetshire, in spite of his expressed

wish that the lawyers would take themselves and the property to the

devil, and allow him to enjoy his honeymoon in peace. The transfer

was not, however, accomplished at once. Owing to his mother's

capricious reluctance to give the necessary information without

reserve, and to the law's delay, his first child was born some time

before his succession was fully established and the doors of his

ancestral hall opened to him. The conclusion of the business was a

great relief to his attorneys, who had been unable to shake his

conviction that the case was clear enough, but that the referee had

been squared. By this he meant that the Lord Chancellor had been

bribed to keep him out of his property.

His marriage proved an unusually happy one. To make up for the loss

of his occupation, he farmed, and lost six thousand pounds by it;

tried gardening with better success; began to meddle in commercial

enterprises, and became director of several trading companies in the

city; and was eventually invited to represent a Dorsetshire

constituency in Parliament in the Radical interest. He was returned

by a large majority; and, having a loud voice and an easy manner, he

soon acquired some reputation both in and out of the House of

Commons by the popularity of his own views, and the extent of his

wife's information, which he retailed at second hand. He made his

maiden speech in the House unabashed the first night he sat there.

Indeed, he was afraid of nothing except burglars, big dogs, doctors,

dentists, and street-crossings. Whenever any accident occurred

through any of these he preserved the newspaper in which it was

reported, read it to Lydia very seriously, and repeated his favorite

assertion that the only place in which a man was safe was the ring.

As he objected to most field sports on the ground of inhumanity,

she, fearing that he would suffer in health and appearance from want

of systematic exercise, suggested that he should resume the practice

of boxing with gloves. But he was lazy in this matter, and had a

prejudice that boxing did not become a married man. His career as a

pugilist was closed by his marriage.

His admiration for his wife survived the ardor of his first love for

her, and she employed all her forethought not to disappoint his

reliance on her judgment. She led a busy life, and wrote some

learned monographs, as well as a work in which she denounced

education as practised in the universities and public schools. Her

children inherited her acuteness and refinement with their father's

robustness and aversion to study. They were precocious and impudent,

had no respect for Cashel, and showed any they had for their mother

principally by running to her when they were in difficulties. She

never punished nor scolded them; but she contrived to make their

misdeeds recoil naturally upon them so inevitably that they soon

acquired a lively moral sense which restrained them much more

effectually than the usual methods of securing order in the nursery.

Cashel treated them kindly for the purpose of conciliating them; and

when Lydia spoke of them to him in private, he seldom said more than

that the imps were too sharp for him, or that he was blest if he

didn't believe that they were born older than their father. Lydia

often thonght so too; but the care of this troublesome family had

one advantage for her. It left her little time to think about

herself, or about the fact that when the illusion of her love passed

away Cashel fell in her estimation. But the children were a success;

and she soon came to regard him as one of them. When she had leisure

to consider the matter at all, which seldom occurred, it seemed to

her that, on the whole, she had chosen wisely.

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