I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Noah had been watching me. I could tell he shared my unspoken thought. From what I had been told and heard, Theresa would not like Carter’s relationship with me. And yes, I frowned and hung my head. I just admitted to myself that there was something between us. I sucked in my breath and my hands started to tremble. My stomach churned and formed knots, but I had to admit that something was growing between Carter and me. He hadn’t said anything outright to me, but he desired me. I knew it. I felt it, but during the past week, he never made a move.

He was always home when I returned from work. We had dinner every night. After that first night, I never used my bed again. When I got sleepy, he would lead me to his. He always held me in his arms and stroked my back until I fell asleep. There were a few times when I would wake in the middle of the night and he was gone. The first time, I checked the gym, but he wasn’t there. I remained awake for the rest of the night until he returned after five in the morning. No light was turned on, but I heard him return to the room and slide back into bed with me. He drew me back against his chest and wrapped his arms tight until I felt his chest move up and down in a deep sleep. When his breath evened out, I fell asleep as well.

The second and third time when I woke to find him gone, I didn’t search for him. I fell back asleep and woke again when he returned to the bed. I always snuggled back into his arms, and when I would leave for work in the mornings, he woke as well. He never seemed tired. He was always alert and he had coffee and breakfast ready for me by the time I made it to the kitchen. Then, he’d ride with me to my job.

Every morning he would give me a kiss as I left the car, but he never kissed me when we were at home or in his bed.

I will come to you and find you there.

I bit my lip. I could only imagine Theresa’s reaction. Maybe you shouldn’t.


Theresa is protective of Noah. She doesn’t like you.

Has she met me?

I couldn’t hold back my grin. He didn’t even know. No, but your reputation speaks for itself.

She doesn’t have to see me for me to see you. I will find you.

I wasn’t aware of the breath I’d been holding until I let it loose. Goodness. There was a promise and something ominous in his last text. Every nerve was stretched tight and ready for him. The throbbing had started when I got his first text. It was too much for me by the last one. Carter was making me go crazy over the past week. I wanted him. It was to the point where I needed him. I couldn’t think straight when it came to him.

“We’re here.”

As I looked out the windows, I was surprised to see that we had pulled into the alley beside Octave. Then I remembered the couple I watched from the street, as they were hurried through a side door into the club. When a door opened and two large men stepped outside, I knew it was the same thing. Noah opened his door and stepped aside as Theresa crawled over his seat and hopped out of the car. My door was opened and a giant stood next to it, waiting for me to do the same.

As I got out, I glanced around and saw that Mike stepped next to one of the guys from the club. He blended in with them.

“Come on, Emma,” Theresa called from inside.

Mike nodded for me to go in so I did. He followed behind, along with three other men. As I joined Noah and Theresa in a small hallway, I saw another two men with them. She gave me a squeal and wrapped her arms around me for a hug. Her body was riddled with delight. “This is going to be so much fun.” She whispered into my ear, “I’ll never admit this to Noah, but I do like that he knows the owner sometimes. We always get the best treatment here and this place is amazing. I just don’t want them to be as close as they are. The owner scares me.”

I hugged her back, but shook my head. A week ago, I never would’ve thought Theresa was the kind to let loose and go to a club like Octave. A lot of things would’ve surprised me a week ago. And a part of me was getting riled the more she badmouthed Carter. I understood. She obviously knew he was connected to the mob, but she had never met him. And at that thought, a different anxiety filled me. What would she think if she did meet him? Would she not want to be my friend? Or would she want more to do with Carter? I wasn’t a fool. I could tell that some of her reaction to Carter was from the intrigue and how the media portrayed him. Carter was seen as a real-life mobster from the movies. He had the smoldering looks, but he was out of reach for so many. He was too powerful.


I jumped at Mike’s one word reminder.

Noah and Theresa had followed the other two guards down the hallway. They paused halfway and waited for me, frowning at me.

Mike and the other three guards stood behind me. I shook my head as I started towards them. Tonight was going to be interesting indeed.

We were shown into a box that opened to a shared dancing area with two other boxes. The six guards took up positions against the wall and were camouflaged by the dark shadows; after awhile it seemed as if they weren’t even there. However, Theresa kept glancing at one of the bigger guys. She said to Noah, in an awed voice, “Your friend is really pulling out all the stops with you tonight.”

She flashed Noah a knowing smirk, but he ignored her and frowned in my direction. We both knew the truth. They were there for me.

It was at that moment a guy came in and approached Noah. He oozed sleaze. He was dressed in a business suit. Everything was flashy about him. His hair was gelled into spikes. His teeth were perfectly white. This was the slicked-back type of guy I thought my boss would’ve been. The two shook hands and clasped each other on the shoulder. It wasn’t long until Noah motioned Theresa over. The three of them talked for a few more minutes as drinks were brought in by two servers. Then, as I watched, Theresa laid her hand on the guy’s arm and motioned for him to bend down. She whispered something in his ear, smiling at Noah the whole time, whose frown had reappeared. Then they were laughing again.

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