“Who would have a problem with it?”

Emily waved a hand. “You know, so many people are willing to work for… them. It’s okay to take the good job and the security and such, but God forbid you actually socialize with them. We’ve known each other for years, and we’ve been dating almost six months, but he’s still worried about meeting my parents.”

Brigid frowned. In her experience, it was usually the other way round. Most vampires kept a polite distance from human staff or casual acquaintances. An understandable habit, as far as she was concerned. She couldn’t imagine losing human friends over and over again, but never growing older or aging. It was another aspect of immortal life that she’d never envied and another reason she never wanted to turn. She wondered what kind of vampire Emily was seeing. It couldn’t be…

“His name’s not Jack, is it?”

Emily blinked. “What, Jack? No.”

“He’s Irish. Young looking. Curly hair and dimples. Looked like a fecking choir boy, but has the tongue of Satan?” Jack would like Emily. He liked the cute, curvaceous ones that had pulses and didn’t ask too many questions.

Emily snorted. “No, I swear, it’s not Jack.”

“Good. He’s an ass.”

Emily slapped her hand over her mouth to smother the laugh. She looked around instinctively, even though they were out in broad daylight. “You talk about… them like that? Does he know that you like him so much, Brig?”

“He knows exactly how much I like him.”

“I always envied that, you know.” Emily took another bite of her sandwich. “You’re so bold.”

“Ha!” Brigid cleared her throat. “How… Why did you think I was bold? I was never bold.”

Emily shrugged. “You had the issues about touching and such—which it looks like you’ve totally conquered—but you always said whatever you thought. No matter who was listening. I envied that. Still do.”

“But you’ve no reason to be timid about things, Em. You’re a smart girl. And obviously pretty special to catch the attention of…” Brigid smiled. “Whoever he is. One of the choosy ones.”

“Oh, hush.” Emily shook her head, but Brigid could tell the compliment had pleased her.

“So, spill. Are the stories true? Is it really the best sex ever? Fabulous, earth-moving—”

Emily laughed. “Sadly, he’s not an earth… type, so there’s no earthquakes. Thanks for asking, though.”

“You have to give me some details. It wouldn’t be fair not to.”

Emily just leaned forward across the table and grinned. “The stamina is, I’ll admit, impressive. And no need for recovery time.”

“Lucky girl.”

“Oh”—Emily smiled—“you have no idea.”

“And I doubt I ever will.” She winked. “No prejudice, just unlikely that any one of them would take a chance pissing off Ioan and Deirdre by asking me out.”

“Not even Murphy?” Emily had a wicked gleam in her eye. Brigid couldn’t help but smile back. “If the rumors are true… he’d be well worth taking a chance.”

“He might be… slightly more bold. But he’s my boss, and he acts like it.”

“I’m jealous.”

“Don’t be unless there’s a reason. Murphy’s very proper with me. So, really, do I know him? I’ve met most of the people who work for Murphy.”

“Oh, he doesn’t work for Murphy. But he’s been in Dublin for some time. I think you met him once, ages ago.”

She frowned. It was possible. She’d met a lot of humans and vampires at one time that she had no memory of the next day, much less three years later. Emily was still talking.

“His name’s Axel. Tall, blond. He was at the club. You know, the first night. When you met Mark.”

The first night Emily had slipped her drugs. Brigid tried not to be resentful. She’d forgiven Emily years before. It wasn’t her fault that what had been a dangerous, but manageable, vice for Emily would spiral out of control for Brigid.

“Axel?” She frowned. “Oh, I do remember him. Scandinavian or something, right?”

Emily grinned. “You know what they say about those handsome Northern raiders.”

“Bad girl.”

“But a very, very satisfied one.” She giggled and started eating again. “He’s a water… you know. Does something with shipping. He’s old enough to do whatever he wants. We don’t really talk about his past much.”

“Most of them don’t.”

He was in shipping? And he worked in Dublin? Why hadn’t she heard of him? Murphy owned Dublin shipping, and Brigid had come to recognize most of the names of the people he had business with.

“But he’s great. Very considerate.” Emily paused and smiled. “Honestly, he’s the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. It’s kind of odd, if you think about it.”

Brigid decided that she worried too much. It was entirely possible that Axel used a different name for business than in his personal life. He wouldn’t be the first one.

“You should come with me a couple weeks from now,” Emily said. “We’re supposed to go meet a friend of his who’s visiting from out of the country.”


“Yes, totally posh event. Penthouse in town.” Emily mouthed ‘water vampires’ and rolled her eyes. “But Axel said it was going to be a big party, and I could bring a friend, since I won’t know many people there. Want to come?”

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