Except for Carwyn behind his steel shield.

Just a slight push…

His massive shoulders tore through the weakened hull, feeling the water flood from the broken seam as it rushed into the chamber, dousing Brigid’s pale body and quenching the flames around her. The vessel groaned and tilted as he swam back to retrieve her.

Nothing but bones remained. But Brigid was still alive, her mysterious internal shields protecting her from the force of her own fire. He could feel his blood moving within her and hers in him, their energy humming together even as she drifted in unconsciousness. Carwyn grabbed her, tucked her under his arm, then swam through the dark water. He broke the surface to see the ship angle into the black as crewmembers desperately tried to escape.

“Well, that’s a mess,” he said to his passed-out mate. “Best exit the scene here and sort it out later. Brigid?” He patted her cheek. “Love?”

Nothing. He could feel her energy, but it was coming in short bursts. He wondered whether his blood might help. He bit into his wrist and held it to her lips, tilting her head back as he kicked away from the wreck. He held her on his chest as he swam, cradling her body and humming a happy tune. Still nothing.


He could feel her begin to stir. She suddenly latched on to his wrist with a fury, sharp fangs digging into his arm as she sucked down his ancient blood.

He let out a low moan. “Oh… that probably should not feel as good as it does considering we just escaped a life-threatening situation.”

She growled low in her throat and bit harder.

“You’re mad at me, aren’t you?” He halted, treading water as he pulled her closer. “I’m still wounded. Do I get any sympathy for that?”

After one final deep pull, she lifted her head, her eyes glittering in the light of the moon over them. Then Brigid launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and cutting his lip as she pulled him into a passionate kiss.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him tightly as he groaned into her mouth and drank her in. She cut her tongue on his fangs and her blood trickled into his mouth as he struggled to remain above water.

“Mmm, Brigid…” he mumbled against her mouth. “I love—”

Just as suddenly, she pulled back, narrowed her eyes, and punched him square in the jaw. “You bastard!”

He only shook his head, laughing as he tried to pull her closer. “I love you.”

“You fecking ass! You shocked me! Shocked me.”

“Well, I needed to sink the ship and it seemed like the thing to do.”

Her eyes widened and went to the nape of her neck. “Did I burn my hair?”

He bit his lip, trying not to laugh again. “Maybe… just a little behind your ear, but—ooh!” He ducked away from another punch, swimming toward the shore as she chased him.

“I cannot believe you shocked me, Carwyn! You are going to pay for—”

He turned suddenly and caught her, stopping her furious words with another kiss. She gave a little sigh then sank into him for a moment before she pulled back. “You don’t fight fair.”

“Absolutely not.” His lips touched her collarbone as he held her, running his hands up and down her sides to reassure himself. “Besides, I can’t help myself. You’re naked again.”

“Please tell me that wasn’t your ulterior motive for turning me into a human firecracker.”

He reached down and cupped her delicious backside, pulling her against his hips. “It wasn’t, but it is a nice bonus.”

They stopped talking for a few moments, lost in relief. He kissed her mouth tenderly and she offered her vein for him to drink. His fangs slid in and he held her close as he felt his chest knit together. Finally, Brigid pulled him away with a stern look on her face.

“If you ever use me as a weapon in a fight again—”

“I’d say I won’t, but I probably will. That was fantastic, my very talented wife.”

“Oh, I forgot I married you!” She curled her lip in irritation as he hooted in laughter, ignoring the ache as his muscle and bone continued to heal.

“You didn’t forget.”

“I did. Is there any getting out of it at this point?”

“None at all.” He grinned and pulled on her hand, leading them toward the shore. “Married before God. We’re stuck with each other, Brigid.”

She tried to look irritated, but he could see the smile teasing her mouth. He poked and prodded, teasing her until she started to laugh.

And that, Carwyn decided, was exactly as it should be.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Howth, Ireland

January 2013

When she remembered that night, Brigid Connor remembered Carwyn’s hand as he held hers and swam toward the lights of the fishing harbor north of Dublin. She remembered the cries of the crew they didn’t try to save. She also remembered the Coast Rescue boats sent from shore that they passed as they swam toward the glittering lights that dotted North Dublin Bay. Most of all, she remembered Murphy’s stone-set face as he reached a hand out to lift her from the water.

“It was Jack,” she panted.

“I know.”

That was all he said as immortals and humans clustered around him. Tom gave grim orders to the humans while Declan spoke into a speakerphone with a quietly devastated face. In the hubbub surrounding them, Carwyn grabbed a woolen blanket from someone and covered Brigid with it. Her skin still prickled with hot energy, but her husband wrapped his arms around her and held tight, drawing her away from the crowd.

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