She knew he was awake. It was evident in the tone of her voice. “I know you said he’ll be back soon, along with the four guards with weapons that I saw, but surely you can help me out. I know you’re not a bad person. You didn’t want to hurt Emily.”

Chapter Thirty-One

Surely, he had to be getting the message. She’d been dropping enough obvious hints about who they were up against that anyone less stupid than Axel would certainly have muzzled her. Brigid could sense when Carwyn woke, but he stayed still and she didn’t know how rattled he still was from the shock of the cattle prod they had used to take him down. The punch of his massive elemental energy when that had shocked him must have been enough to rock her neighborhood.

Brigid had woken at what must have been nightfall, arms and hands tied with wire that cut into her skin. One wrist felt like it had been cut to the bone. Her immortal body kept trying to repair itself, healing around the wire, but then she would twist again and her flesh would tear. It was painful and she was losing more blood than was comfortable. She should have been stronger, but then normally, she would drink a few bags of blood when she woke.

Tonight’s view hadn’t been the comfortable refuge of her bedroom, curled up with her new husband and enjoying his attentions. This night had been cold metal, twisted wire, and the view of a vampire she had hoped to never see again. Even if he was an idiot, she would never forgive Axel for poisoning Emily like he had.

“Of course I didn’t want to hurt Emily, but I can’t help you,” he whined. “Jack says he has the antidote to make me better. He says if I cooperate that he’ll make Emily better, too. See?” His voice sounded like a child’s seeking approval. “I only want the best for her. She’ll get better as soon as Jack gets rid of the people standing in his way. Then he can take charge of Dublin and get all the supplies of the elixir he needs. That’s what he says. He just says that we have to take more. That as long as we keep taking it—”

“It’s not going to help you. And Emily will be dead by then. Who did he say would send him more elixir?” Maybe, if nothing else, Axel knew who was making it. Jack may have been the elusive Dublin connection, but she doubted he was manufacturing the drug. That had to have been someplace else. It had all become so clear once she made the connection. Jack had been her guide to the city and its nightlife for years. She knew he was ambitious, but had no idea that he ever would have betrayed Murphy the way he had. He held little regard for humans other than as a source to sate his hungers. And if there was one person who would have been able to steer her in the wrong direction, make promising leads turn into dead ends, it was Jack.

Which also meant that he had taken part in Ioan’s death.

Every comforting embrace he offered, every understanding shoulder now sickened her. She thirsted for his blood and her fangs grew long in her mouth.

If she could just get Axel to untie her…

Carwyn peeked from the corner of his eye again before he raised his head. Axel was staring at Brigid, completely ignoring him. He looked up to take in their surroundings, which were exactly as Brigid had described. An old, leaking ship and a cage that looked like it was used to transport animals.

The idiots. How weak did they think he was? Even if he was underwater, he was still a thousand years old. The only thing that truly worried him was Brigid bursting into flames. Though the air was damp, there was no doubt a shock would be quite explosive. He didn’t think she could hurt herself, but burning him to a crisp was definitely a possibility.

He narrowed his eyes at Axel, wondering how difficult it would be to leap on the immortal. Would he be fast enough? Could he kill Axel before the idiot could shock his wife?

“Just take the cattle prod from my neck,” she said. “If it does the same thing as a Taser, the first time it touches me, I’ll burst into flames and kill you, no matter how dripping this place is. Jack told you that, didn’t he?”

Axel cocked his head. “No.”

Carwyn rolled his eyes. Could it be the evil drug dealer didn’t have your best interests at heart, you utter and complete moron?

“Why don’t you just grab those wire snippers and cut me out? We’ll figure this out between us. But it hurts.” Her voice turned uncharacteristically weak. “I can’t think like this.”

“I’m so sorry, Brigid.” Axel started to move toward a low workbench in a corner just as Carwyn heard steps approaching.


He dropped his head to his chest as Jack opened the door, followed by four guards he watched from the corner of his eye. Two wore swords, one wore a semi-automatic, and one wore an odd kind of plastic gun at his waist. They certainly had all the bases covered. Carwyn felt an unexpected wave of nostalgia for the days when bare hands or a sword would kill just about anything that moved, mortal or immortal.

Oh well. Times were changing in all sorts of ways. Suddenly, he recognized the device.

A Taser. So that was the pinch he’d felt that blacked him out. Ingenious little bastards.

“Axel, why are you speaking to her?” Jack said, walking over and slapping Axel in the face. “I told you not to do that.”

“Sorry, Jack.” Axel wiped a trickle of blood from his lip and stepped back. Then Jack walked over and slapped Brigid. Carwyn heard it echo around the chamber and could no longer stifle his anger. A low growl came from his throat. Jack spun around, grinning.

“Our surprise guest! What a treat it was to find you. My associate was very pleased. Glad I had a few boys with stun guns going through the back so Brigid wouldn’t bolt. Odd of you to sleep for as long as you did. It must have done a number on you. Only felt it once, myself. We were experimenting with the effects and, since I was the strongest, I volunteered so we could see what it did to someone with power. I thought the effects on you might be impressive.” Copyright 2016 - 2024