There were a few more mementos from her childhood. A picture of Brigid in a dance costume. One of her and a friend at university. “Look at your hair, Brigid… It was so long. You were so darling.”

Carwyn puttered and poked around the house, grabbing a pint of blood from the refrigerator before he decided to call Deirdre and catch up on the most recent news. After a conversation that made him worry and laugh in equal measure, he lay back down next to Brigid, rife with plans for the coming night. Finally, he closed his eyes and prayed that the hours would fly.

He heard her stir before she woke. He rolled over and watched her eyes flutter open, smiling when he saw the grey-brown gaze meet his own. He’d been patient all day.

Patience had run its course.

He scooted down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. They barely moved against his own.

“Brigid?” he whispered. “Can you hear me?”

Just barely, she gave a nod, a smile ghosting over her lips. Which he kissed again before he scooted down and kissed her neck. Her skin was delicious.

“You’re really here,” she murmured.

“I am. Now, darling, I know you’re still sleepy, but I should inform you that two dozen sheep and a draft horse are being delivered to the farm in Wicklow as we speak.” He glanced over his shoulder at the clock as he felt her tense beneath him. “Actually, I believe they’ve already arrived.”

She frowned. “Carwyn…”

“And since the bride price has been met, and I am back in the country, we can now be married. Don’t worry, I’ve already spoken to Deirdre and your aunt. Obviously, they’re disappointed not to be able to attend the wedding, but since we’ll be married immediately…” He trailed off, teasing her collarbone with his lips and anticipating the howling protest that he’d face as soon as she roused to full consciousness. “They gave their blessing anyway.”

Her voice was a little louder and her hands reached up to his head. “But Carwyn—”

“Ah ha!” He looked up at her with a grin, pausing in his exploration to watch her. “Speechless. You’re obviously as excited as I am.”

“Hello to you, too!” Her fingers tightened in his hair, pulling at the roots as she narrowed her eyes. “You’ve got this all figured out, haven’t you? Been plotting all day?”

“Maybe a little.”

“And on the trip here?”

“There was a boat. Lots of time to think on a boat.”

An evil gleam lit her eye. This was going to be fun. “So, you mean to say we can be married right away?”

“Oh yes.” His face was the picture of innocence. “No need to postpone the imminent joy.”

She cocked her head to the side thoughtfully. “I think you’re on to something.”

“Currently, I’m on you.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “And quite happy about it.”

“Careful. You’ll have to confess.”

His mouth dipped down to skim over her shoulder. “No need. I plan to honor the marriage bed.” A low rumbling sound grew in his chest. “Very, very thoroughly.”

She pulled on his ear to bring his eyes back to hers. “Excellent idea. It’s hardly orthodox, but I can’t imagine you’ve forgotten the ceremony.” She snickered. “Even if you are somewhat distracted at the moment.”

He was fully expecting her to punch him at any moment for his presumptions. He grinned anyway. “Exactly!”

“Well then, Father Carwyn.” She scooted down to meet his mouth, kneading her hands into his shoulders and distracting him as she mumbled, “Proceed.”

“What? Right now?”

“Oh yes. The collar, let’s face it, is kind of kinky.” She pulled away, purring. “Oooh, do you have it with you?”

“Um…” He frowned. She wasn’t reacting at all as he’d expected. “Brigid, what—”

“It’s okay if you don’t. You can always put it on later.”

He frowned. What was she playing at? “Brigid—”

She pulled back and her eyes met his with feverish excitement. “Do you think you could find me a nun’s habit?”

Carwyn reared back as if she’d burst into flames. “Now, wait just a moment! Some things really are…” Then he trailed off when her mouth spread into a grin. “You’re such a brat, Brigid. Don’t tease me about nuns. They’re frightening, holy creatures.”

She burst into laughter. “Well, good to know there are no latent fantasies going on there.”

Carwyn tackled her, rolling them over so that she was lying on top of him. He looked up at her. “Say it again,” he said softly.

She frowned. “Do you think you could find me a nun’s habit?”

Carwyn reached down and pinched her ass. It was, he had to admit, a very nice ass, so he soothed it with a greedy hand. “Not that! What you said…” He brought her face down to his and placed a lingering kiss on her mouth. “Before you fell asleep.”

She let out a deep satisfied sigh. “Two dozen sheep, a stout draft horse, and I’m yours, you ridiculous man. I love you.”

He’d known it, but hearing her say it was different. “Again.”

“I love you.”

He sighed in contentment. “Once more.”

“You’re insatiable. I love you.” She kissed his chin. “I love you.” Bit his earlobe as he groaned. “Mad, foolish man. I’m in love with you, Carwyn ap Bryn.” Copyright 2016 - 2024