
He stood up and frowned. “I don’t have another one.”

My jaw about dropped to the ground as I shook my head. “But…but…I need you.”

He blinked slowly. “We can’t.”

“Just pull out! Yes, we can! We can do this if you pull out.” I didn’t even care that I sounded desperate.

He shook his head and placed his hand on my face. “No, baby. I already made the mistake once.”

I glanced down and dropped to my knees. Quickly, I took him into my mouth. I worked up and down his long, thick shaft as he moaned and hissed above me. He ran his hands through my hair, giving it a few tugs. I sucked hard and wrapped my hand tighter around his dick.

“F—fuck…Liza…baby I want…Oh God.”

I hummed and immediately felt his release hit the back of my throat. I swallowed all of it as I kept moving my mouth up and down his shaft.

“Mother…fucker…holy…shit,” Walker panted as his cum spilled into my mouth. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. I wiped my mouth and smiled. His chest heaved. If I could have, I would’ve patted myself on the back. I loved when he came undone.

“You do crazy things to me, Liza. You always have.”

That admission brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t say when I first realized that I loved Walker Moore. His blue eyes and messy brown hair had had me since I could remember.

“I’ve loved you my whole life,” I blurted. He smiled and pulled my lips to his. We moaned as our tastes mixed together. I never wanted this night to end.

“Liza?” he whispered against my lips.

My head swirled and I couldn’t believe the emotions running through me. My stomach kept dipping like it was the first time a boy had ever touched me. Kissed me.

“Yes?” I whispered back.

“May I take you out on a date tonight?”

My smile spread across my face. “I’d love to go out with you, Walker. What did you have in mind?”

The way he looked at me had my clit throbbing with anticipation.

“Well the first damn thing we’re gonna do is stop at Walgreens and buy some damn condoms.”

AN HOUR LATER, Walker was walking me down the path toward the canoe rental. “A canoe ride?” I asked with a smile.

He looked down at me and winked.

As Walker helped me into the canoe, I looked back at the young girl who’d helped us. I couldn’t help but giggle as she stared. I couldn’t really blame her. Walker was gorgeous. His dark hair was covered by a Texas A&M baseball cap. He must have had a hundred of them. He probably hadn’t shaved in three or four days and my stomach was doing all kinds of crazy twists and turns at the thought of feeling his stubble brush against my inner thighs. I squeezed my legs together and looked away.

He’s mine. I thought, smiling as the reality hit me yet again. I closed my eyes and thanked God that I’d come to my senses with Keith. His parting words bothered me a bit, but I pushed it away. Today was about Walker and me.

I leaned back as Walker rowed us down Barton Creek, making our way to the river.

“We have to have it back in forty minutes,” he said. “I paid extra so I could take you out and watch the sunset.”

As we approached the river, the sun was beginning to set and the light was reflecting on the water. “It’s so beautiful.” I said. Walker stopped rowing and let us float. He took my hands in his, pulling my right hand up to kiss it.

“Yes, you are.”

“I am what?”

He smiled that panty-melting smile of his and my heart dropped into my stomach.

“So beautiful. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, Liza. I’m so in love you. I don’t think I could ever put it in words how in love with you I am.”

I felt tears building in my eyes as I crawled across the boat. I had to kiss him. I needed to kiss him.

“Um, Liza what are you doing?” Walker asked as he held up his hands.

“I need to be closer to you,” I said, attempting to stand so I could sit in his lap. I needed to wrap my legs around him and feel him against me.

“Liza, baby, sit down or the canoe’s going to…”

The moment I felt the canoe rocking back and forth, it hit me. Oh, shit. I think I’d forgotten we were in the canoe. “Oh no.”

The canoe tipped and I lost my balance. Walker reached out to grab me, but it was too late. I was going in.

I hit the cold river water and screamed. Walker was still sitting in the canoe. He was trying not to laugh, but doing a piss-poor job of it.

“Oh my God!” I yelled. “Help me, Walker!”

Another canoe came by. Its passengers offered to help.

Walker moved our canoe closer to theirs and they helped keep it steady as Walker pulled me back into the boat. I sat up, and that’s when he lost it and started laughing. I cocked my head and smirked as I turned to the other couple.

“Thank you so much,” I said.

They were at least attempting to hold back their laughter. The girl had dark red hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. The guy had brown hair and was fairly good looking. They nodded and the guy finally busted out laughing.

“Haha. Yep…get all that laughter out guys.” I pouted as I waited for the three of them to stop laughing.

I STOOD OUTSIDE Walker’s truck with my mouth hanging open. “What do you mean I have to strip?” I asked.

Walker licked his lips. “God, I want to take you right against my truck.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Well, we do have condoms now.”

He laughed, but gave me a serious look. “Seriously, you’re not getting in my truck soaking wet. You have to strip.”

I put my hands on my hips. “Walker Reed Moore. I am not stripping out of my clothes in the middle of the Zilker Park parking lot.”

He came closer, forcing me to take a few steps back until I was up against his truck. He placed his lips on my neck and slowly traced soft kisses from one side to the other, asking “Do. You. Know. How. Sexy. You. Are. When. You’re. Mad?” He asked between each kiss.

I let out a low moan as my body betrayed me. Walker lifted my T-shirt up and over my head and I was lost in his touch.

“Walker…” I whispered.

Before I knew it, he was down on his knees kissing my stomach as he pulled my wet shorts off of my body. I stood in the parking lot in my bra and panties as his eyes wandered up and down my body. He tossed my wet clothes into the back of his truck and then picked me up. When our lips touched, I wished we were back at the hotel, lost in each other while Walker made love to me.

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