Tristan stopped in front of him, questions in his eyes. Josiah looked over Tristan’s shoulder, finding Mateo. One look on Teo’s face said he knew exactly what Josiah needed from them.

His pulse pounded in his ears, but Josiah tried to stamp it down or ignore it. Whatever he had to do to make this happen.

“Come here, Teo. Please.” How many times had Teo said those words to him? Come here. Every time he knew Josiah needed him, he’d use those words, except it was usually him who still went to Josiah. Or who pulled Josiah to him.

He waited, breath in lungs, counting the beats of his heart the way Tristan did, until Teo took a step toward them, then another. When Teo stopped beside Tristan, Josiah took them both in. The two men were opposites in so many ways, but so similar in others. It was more than just their dark hair and dark eyes. More than the fact that they were both his.

“I want to see you together.” He looked at Tristan. “Will you kiss him?” It had to be a question, he knew that. Tristan didn’t take commands or direction in the bedroom. Hopefully Tristan could give them all this much.

An electric charge zapped the air around them. The men faced off before taking a step closer to each other. It was Teo who moved first, his steady hands grabbing the sides of Tristan’s face the way he’d done with Josiah too many times to count.

Josiah went hot all over, his cock hardened instantly as their mouths met. The kiss started out slow, but then it was a give-and-take battle between them, Teo’s gentle hunger matching Tristan’s fierce passion. He saw their tongues touch, saw Teo suck Tristan’s into his mouth before releasing it. Saw Tristan nip Mateo’s lip before grabbing his face the same way Teo held him.

Josiah’s body burned in the most incredible way. His heart pounded as he watched the two men ravage each other’s mouths. And then as if they planned it, they both reached out for Josiah. He went willingly, caught between the desire to taste them, too and enjoying seeing the two of them together.

When Mateo’s lips drifted down to Tristan’s neck, Tristan pulled Josiah forward, so their mouths met. The combination of Tristan’s tongue in his mouth and the feel of both hard bodies against him made a jolt of pleasure shoot through him, then another, as though there were way too many sensations at once but also not enough.

“I want his mouth,” Mateo said huskily, making Josiah’s knees week.

It was like Teo somehow knew not to demand.

Tristan pulled away, his mouth going to Mateo’s neck the way Mateo had just done with his. As he sucked Mateo’s flesh, Teo’s mouth crashed down on Josiah’s, quick, urgent and needy.

Josiah moaned, kissing deeper when Teo’s hand gently pulled at his hair. Visions flashed in his head, the three of them a tangle of limbs, a cluster of lips and mouths. It made his cock ache.

Josiah pulled back slightly, and that was all it took for Mateo and Tristan’s mouths to meet again. Hands grasping, grunts and moans, and ah fucks filling the room. There was a part of him that wanted to do nothing but take it in. The sight of them pumped blood to his heart. Made it beat life into him. Filled his lungs with breath. And yes, made him feel like he was going to explode.

But he also wanted more, too. Wanted every part of both of them, and he damn sure intended to have them. “I want to taste you, Tristan.”

Tristan gave him a nod, so Josiah went down to his knees. His hands went to Tristan’s pants first. As they did, he saw Tristan working Teo’s. With quick, shaky hands, he shoved Tristan’s pants down, pushed his hands out of the way, and did the same thing to Teo. His heart slammed with fast, passionate beats against his chest, nerves and excitement creating a cocktail of feelings inside him.

He took them both in, Tristan longer, Mateo thicker. Tristan lighter, Mateo darker. Tristan cut, Mateo not.

“Need your mouth on me, Jay. Wanna feel you.” Mateo’s words sent a thrill through him. He was so different than before, more vocal of a lover than he’d been when they were younger.

“You are so sexy, Josiah. Suck him, and then I want your mouth on me.” Tristan’s voice was all sex, silky and smooth.

When Josiah looked up, they were kissing again.

Josiah ripped his eyes from the show going on above him, taking Teo’s erection into his mouth. With his other hand, he gripped Tristan’s length, running his hand up and down it the same way his mouth did with Mateo’s. Their scents mixed around him, different murmured curses coming from between their lips before they would no doubt silence each other with their mouths again.

Josiah let his tongue swirl around the head of Mateo’s length before reaching over and sucking Tristan deep. His hand busied on Teo as he moved down, laving Tristan’s balls the way he liked. Copyright 2016 - 2024