What is it about Jacob Turner? I wondered, as I sat naked in the center of his circular, king-sized bed in his presidential suite at the Marriott Marquis. I'd left my office to go get a cup of coffee around noon, and hours later I was about to open myself up to a stranger who'd literally charmed my panties off.

If anyone had told me I would bump into the h eir of Turner Enterprises and be in the billionaire's bed by nightfall, I would have cursed them out for suggesting something like that about me. Turner Enterprises was the nation's number one commercial construction conglomerate that had been passed down for generations through the Turner family. It had offices all over the United States. Every substantial piece of business property in the U.S. was constructed by Turner Enterprises.

I could understand why Jacob was such a persuasive man. He had been groomed since he was old enough to walk, to take the helm of the business. He was powerful, and damned sure influential. He had influenced me to forget all my values and come back to his suite, after hours of mentally stimulating conversation.

I looked around at the lavish room and felt out of place. "Jacob, I don't think I should be here," I said, while scooting to the edge of the bed.

He pulled me back to him, hard. "Stay," he said, breathing his hot breath on my neck. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but please stay."

I turned around and looked into his green eyes. He looked like he was used to getting what he wanted. I was sure he could have any woman he desired. Why was he pleading for me to stay?

"I will stay a little while longer, but then I have to go," I said, crossing my arms to cover my chest. It was Montie's weekend with the kids, so I really had nowhere to go. I just didn't want to lay up all night with a man that I barely knew.

He slid over to sit beside me on the edge of the bed. Turning my face to his, he placed a soft kiss on my lips. I reveled in the wonderful smell of his breath against mine. I wanted to straddle his lap and swallow him whole, while running my fingers over his smooth, tanned back, but I stayed in control of my actions. I let out a deep breath and looked away, breaking our intense stare.

He sensed that I was uncomfortable, so he stood up, went to the closet, and returned with a robe. "Put this on," he ordered.

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