He cut her off with another kiss, then pulled back slowly. “The next time I take you for a ride in my fast car, I will. And so will you. Again and again and again.”

Grabbing his suit jacket off the couch, he shrugged into it. After straightening his tie, he held out his hand. Harper took it and let him pull her to her feet. Will tugged the robe over her breasts, his large hands gliding possessively across her flesh before he tied the belt.

He was always fully clothed while she was exposed. It was yet another way he used his power. Yet another thing she liked despite herself—though she still desperately wanted him to be naked, too.

He led her to the door, opened it, then demanded in a low voice, “One more kiss before I go.”

She wanted so badly to kiss him again. She wanted him as crazy and out of control as she was. Wanted him to want her so badly that he couldn’t walk away. Her body was still humming with the things he’d done to her on the couch. He wasn’t like any man she’d ever known. She’d talked herself into having burning-hot sex with a sizzling-hot guy. And she’d gotten way more than she’d asked for. Maybe she’d even gotten more than she could handle. Because now she didn’t think she could wait until the weekend.

He’d stepped on her accelerator and she was ready to race. Only, she’d promised herself that she’d stay in control, that she’d let herself have fun, but wouldn’t make the mistake of reading too much into any of this. Suddenly, however, she wasn’t feeling casual at all. She was starting to want a whole lot more. Whereas he seemed perfectly happy to drop by, make her come, then head out for his meetings. Check, check, check—all part of a billionaire’s day. As if he were used to doing things like this all the time, making women crazy for him, getting them to fall in a hot, senseless rush, while he kept everything seamlessly compartmentalized.

After all, who had the still perfectly pressed suit and tie?

And who had the sex-hair and barely closed robe?

Somehow, some way, she needed to grab the control she’d just lost. Which meant that instead of kissing him again the way he’d just commanded, there was only one way to reassert the control she’d given him from the moment he’d stepped inside without an invitation.

Harper smiled, held onto the doorknob, and said, “Have a great day, Will,” then closed the door with a soft, but final, click.

She barely breathed as she waited for the sound of his footsteps that would let her know he was heading back down her front path toward his car. None sounded for several long moments—moments where she knew he must be trying to decide whether to let her win this round or not.

Finally, he walked away, and her held breath left her in a hard whoosh as she heard him start up his engine and drive away. She tried to return to her day as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, tried telling herself that she was just as much in control of her life, and her emotions, as ever.

But all the while, she couldn’t help but wonder if the feel of his kisses still lingering on her skin revealed the true story: that where Will was concerned, she wasn’t in control of anything at all.


“No, Miss Newman,” Harper’s client said to her over the phone the following afternoon, “there’s no way I can get there earlier. My son is sick, so I couldn’t take him to day care. But my husband will be home by five, and it will only take me fifteen minutes to get to your office.”

Harper breathed deeply, then calmly replied, “That’s fine. These things happen, and I hope your son feels better soon.” Hadn’t she run into the same problem when Jeremy wasn’t well? Illness was the bane of the working parent’s existence.

But the meeting delay left her in a real bind. She was supposed to pick up Jeremy from his after-school job at the grocery store at five. Finding someone to take over the task with two hours’ notice late on a Thursday afternoon would be difficult. There was no way she could make it to the store, then back to the office that quickly in rush-hour traffic. And she couldn’t postpone the meeting, either. Not when she had a position open that Carol’s resume indicated she’d be perfect for, and the first-round interviews shut down tomorrow.

She called Trish, who didn’t answer, probably because she was in class. After leaving a message, Harper mentally tapped her fingers waiting for a return call, but when it didn’t come after twenty minutes, she knew she had to find an alternative.

For some crazy reason, the first person she thought of was Will.

Actually, it wasn’t all that crazy, given that she hadn’t stopped thinking about him since Wednesday morning. To be honest...she hadn’t actually been able to stop thinking about him since the day he’d raced into their lives a month ago.

He’d told her to call if she needed anything. Had he meant it?

She picked up the receiver on her land line, holding it to her chest a moment, the dial tone vibrating against her as she thought about Will’s promise on Wednesday morning—that he was saving up his fully unleashed passion for her and the next fast ride they took together. She didn’t care that some might say it lacked the romance of moonlight and rose petals on a big, soft bed. Sex in a car, the almost clandestine nature of it, actually excited her more. As had the quickie in her living room, which had taken her to a level of heat she’d never experienced before.

Even after kicking him out to prove the point that he didn’t hold all the power, she’d still ended up working in a dreamy daze all day. He’d made their quickie on her couch all about her. What kind of man put his own pleasure second? Could it possibly be the kind of man who would help her out of a tight bind that had nothing whatsoever to do with sex?

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