"You don't have to do it any longer." He looked straight at her with his

head up. "And how do you know what I deserve? Who made you a judge about

these facts? Grant for the sake of argument I killed him. Do you know I

wasn't justified?"

His fierce boldness put her on the defense. "A man sure of his cause does

not run away. The paper said this Shep Boone was shot from ambush.

Nothing could justify such a thing. When you did that----"

"I didn't. Don't believe it, Miss Lee."

"He was shot from behind, the paper said."

"Do I look like a man who would kill from ambush?"

She admitted to herself that this clear-eyed Southerner did not look like

an assassin. Life in the open had made her a judge of such men as she had

been accustomed to meet, but for days she had been telling herself she

could no longer trust her judgment. Her best friend was a rustler. By a

woman's logic it followed that since Jack Flatray was a thief this man

might have committed all the crimes in the calendar.

"I don't know." Then, impulsively, "No, you don't, but you may be for all


"I'm not asking anything for myself. You may do as you please after I've

gone. Send for Mr. Flatray and tell him if you like."

A horse cantered across the plaza toward the store. Bellamy turned quickly

to go.

"I'm not going to tell anyone," the girl called after him in a low voice.

Norris swung from the saddle. "Who's our hurried friend?" he asked


"Oh, a new rider of ours. Name of Morse." She changed the subject. "Are

you--do you think you know who the rustler is?"

His cold, black eyes rested in hers. She read in them something cruel and

sinister. It was as if he were walking over the grave of an enemy.

"I'm gathering evidence, a little at a time."

"Do I know him?"

"Maybe you do."

"Tell me."

He shook his head. "Wait till I've got him cinched."

"You told father," she accused.

He laughed in a hard, mirthless fashion. "That cured me. The Lee family is

from Missouri. When I talk next time I'll have the goods to show."

"I know who you mean. You're making a mistake." Her voice seemed to plead

with him.

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