"His reputation isn't of that kind. They say he's devoted to his wife and


"His wife and children." Melissy recalled the smoldering admiration in his

bold eyes. She laughed shortly. "That finishes him with me. He's married,

is he? Well, I know the kind of husband he is."

Jack flashed a quick look at her. He guessed what she meant. But this did

not square at all with what his friends had told him of O'Connor.

"Did he ask for me?"

"No. He said he preferred to play a lone hand. His manner was unpleasant

all the time. He knows it all. I could see that."

"Anyhow, he's a crackerjack in his line. Have you heard from your father

since he set out?"

"Not yet."

"Well, I'm going to start to-night with a posse for the Cache. If O'Connor

comes back, tell him I'll follow the Roaring Fork."

"You'll not go this time without a gun, Jack," she said with a ghost of a


"No. I want to make good this trip."

"You did splendidly before. Not one man in a hundred would have done so


"I'm a wonder," he admitted with a grin.

"But you will take care of yourself--not be foolish."

"I don't aim to take up residence in Boot Hill cemetery if I can help


"Boone and his men are dangerous characters. They are playing for high

stakes. They would snuff your life out as quick as they would wink. Don't

forget that."

"You don't want me to lie down before Dunc Boone, do you?"

"No-o. Only don't be reckless. I told father the same."

Her dear concern for him went to Jack's head, but he steadied himself

before he answered. "I've got one real good reason for not being reckless.

I'll tell you what it is some day."

Her shy, alarmed eyes fled his at once. She began an account of how her

father had gathered his posse and where she thought he must have gone.

After dinner Jack went downtown. Melissy did some household tasks and

presently moved out to the cool porch. She was just thinking about going

back in when a barefoot boy ran past and whistled. From the next house a

second youngster emerged.

"That you, Jimmie?"

"Betcherlife. Say, 've you heard about the sheriff?"

"Who? Jack Flatray! Course I have. The Roaring Fork outfit ambushed him,

beat him up, and made him hit the trail for town."

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