By chance, a geneticist isolated a rare gene in little Kennedy Taylor… the ICTII35 gene. The doctor said, “She’s a witch! Your daughter was born with the witch gene!” Mrs. Taylor had no time to ask the doctor anything. He was out of the room in a matter of seconds. “But I’ve never heard of a witch gene,” she called after him, but he was long gone.

Kennedy certainly is special, and she takes no crap from anyone, especially the young men in her life who find her beguiling. There was one man pestering her so much, sending her flowers and candy, determined to make her a married woman, his married woman, that she waved her wand in his face and he took on a goat-like appearance, with horns and all. Kennedy’s personal assistant, Truman, had to hide the guy in the cellar until Kennedy could research how to undo what she had done. Thankfully, the goat-man didn’t remember any of it.

But that was child’s play compared to her latest stunt. Attempting a new spell, Kennedy ends up killing a man, but can’t remember what she did with the body. Once again, Truman must step in and clean up her mess. This time, he’s digging through dumpsters trying to find where the little witch hid the body, while the woman who runs the inn next door secretly films it all. Copyright 2016 - 2025