“We’re not doing too bad,” I reply with a wink. “Now tell me more about your sexcation.”

“Oh God, please stop saying that word,” Riley says, rolling her eyes, as she walks into the room. “I don’t want to hear about anyone getting laid.”

“That’s because you’re not getting laid,” I remind her.

“Thanks.” She narrows her eyes at me and, standing behind Owen where he can’t see her, tugs her bra up higher around her.

“That’s hot.” I smile and cross my arms, watching the show.

“I’m cordless,” she says grumpily. She’s wearing an adorable teal top with lace on the arms and shoulders. “I can’t wear a regular bra with this shirt.”

“So you’re strapless,” I say, correcting her with a laugh.

“Whatever. It’s effing uncomfortable. Sorry, Owen.”

He just shakes his head and takes a sip of his drink. “It’s never a dull moment around here.”

My cell phone buzzes in my pocket. I frown down at Grace’s name on the caller ID.

“This is Kat.”

“Hi, it’s Grace. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to make it in to work today. My little boy is running a fever and I’m taking him to urgent care now.”

I close my eyes and watch my early night with Mac fly right out the window. But that’s what you get when you own your own business.

“It’s okay. I hope it’s nothing serious.”

“Thank you so much,” she says. I can hear tears threatening. I can’t imagine how scary it must be when your kiddo is sick. “I’ll be in tomorrow.”

“We’ll play it by ear,” I assure her. “Just get him feeling better.”

“You’re the best, Kat. Thanks.”

I hang up and glance at Riley. “Looks like it’s just me tonight.”

“I can stay and help,” she offers.

“It’s fine. Mondays are usually pretty tame.” I laugh when Riley readjusts herself again, not caring in the least now that Owen can see her. “Maybe you should go home and put on something more comfortable.”

She sighs. “That sounds like heaven. If you need me, just call and I’ll come in and help.”

I nod and blow her a kiss as she leaves. Addie’s out today, at a doctor’s appointment. Cami’s working from home. Even Mia took the day off, which never happens.

So, it’s just me in charge tonight. I shoot Mac a quick text. It’s going to be a late night for me. I’m sorry. Raincheck?

Owen pays his tab and walks out of the bar just as I get a response from Mac.

Text when you get home. I don’t care what time it is.

I smirk. He’s in bossy mode. I’ll never admit it to anyone else, but I love his bossy side.

I shoot him a reply: okeydokey.

For the first time since I opened the bar, I can’t wait for closing time so I can go home.

It’s past midnight when I finally slog my way up the elevator to my condo. I’m exhausted. Of course it was this Monday that we got busy, and I was short-staffed in the bar. I didn’t call Riley back because she’d already put in a full day. I managed.

But damn, I’m tired.

I walk into my place and drop my bag and keys on the table by the door, kick out of my shoes, and pull my phone out of my back pocket.

Part of me hopes he’s asleep so I can go crash on the bed for a few hours.

I’m home. Sorry it’s so late, we got busy.

I take the pins out of my hair, then brush it vigorously and pull it up in a high ponytail. My phone buzzes.

No problem. Meet me at the elevator. Bring your Kindle.

I don’t bother slipping back into my shoes and walk barefoot down the hall just as the elevator opens and there’s Mac, looking tall and sexy.

“You’re tired,” he says.

“To the bone,” I reply, and join him in the elevator. I immediately wrap my arms around his torso and lean into him. “But this is nice.”

“What happened at work?”

“My help called out with a sick kid, and we got slammed. I was the only owner there tonight, so I was also fielding questions and stuff. It was just super busy.”

The doors close. “Check it out,” he says. “The code to the top floor is four-nine-five-five.”


“Remember it.”

“Yes, sir.” I smile and close my eyes, enjoying the way he’s tucked me against his side so I can rest my head on his shoulder. When we reach the top, he leads me out of the elevator. I expect him to walk to the door of his condo, but he leads me in the opposite direction.

“This way,” he says, holding my hand. “This is one of the reasons that I bought the place.”

He opens a gate, and we step into the most beautiful rooftop terrace I’ve ever seen. Pots of flowers are blooming in a riot of different colors. Edison lights crisscross overhead, and they’re lit, casting a pretty glow to the space. In the middle is a pergola with deep-cushioned furniture.

“I can remove the cover,” he says, watching my gaze. He clicks a button and it rolls back, revealing a big skyful of stars.

“Mac, this is gorgeous.”

He nods and gestures for me to sit next to him on a couch, then pulls me against him.

“I was never much of a snuggler,” I say, and sigh when he tips my chin up so he can kiss me deeply. “But this is nice.”

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