"It is," he insisted, doggedly. "And I'm in bad enough as it is!"

"Oh, you're afraid, then?"

He frowned. Her sneer seemed gratuitous injury.

He did not understand that variety of feminine guile which seeks to goad

to action one who refuses to be led.

"I admire boldness in a man when his case is desperate and he is trying

to save himself. I have lived among men who are bold in going after what

they want."

"I have had a little experience with that kind of land pirates, and I

don't like the system."

"I shall not make any unnecessary sacrifices," she de-clared, tartly,

but there were tears in her eyes. "I did what I could to help you when

you were trying to save me. Why are you so ungenerous as to refuse to

help me now?"

"It's taking advantage of you--of your position."

"But I offer it--I beg of you to do it."

"I will not do it."

"You absolutely refuse?"

"Yes, Miss Marston."

"Then I shall leave you to your own fate, Captain Mayo. You don't expect

me to go to my father with the story, do you?"

"Certainly not'."

"I shall go ahead now and protect myself the best I can. I am sure that

Captain Downs will keep my secret. I shall forget that I ever sailed on

that schooner. I suppose you will black yourself up and run away again!"

"I am going to New York."

"To be put in jail?"


"You make me very angry. After you have shown that you can fight, just

when you ought to fight the hardest you slink bade to be whipped."

"Yes, Miss Marston, if you care to put it that way."

"Then, good-by!"


Perhaps each expected that the other would break the wall of reserve at

this moment of parting. He hesitated a moment--an awkward instant--then

he bowed and left the room.

Captain Downs walked with Mayo for a distance across the sand-dunes when

the latter started to make his way to the nearest railroad station. The

captain intended to remain at the inlet tmtil a representative of the

Alden's owners arrived.

They left Bradish still huddled behind the stove in the kitchen.

"Unless my eyes have gone back on me, Captain Mayo, my notion is

that the dude is wasting his time hanging around that girl any more,"

suggested Captain Downs. "She has had him out on the marine railway of

love, has made proper survey, and has decided that she would hate to

sail the sea of matrimony with him. Don't you think that's so?"

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