“Was anything wrong?” Gabriel asked. “You were gone nearly two hours, so there must have been something.”

“No, nothing unusual. I stopped to see Zylla and was not paying particular attention to the time.” He frowned. “Has something happened that set off this concern?”

“You mean like Ursula terrorizing half the continent or a black witch coven in town that’s killing people?” Ari’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “You should have taken someone with you. At least called me.”

“I think that is my cue to leave,” Gabriel said. “I’m pleased to know you’re fine, my friend. We’ll talk later.”

Andreas nodded, as Gabriel, Russell, and Lilith filed out. His hooded gaze shifted to Ari, still seated on the couch. “I admit you have a right to be angry. I should have called, and I will do so in the future.” He ran a hand through his hair, leaving it tousled. “Many things have changed in the last few months, Arianna. You, my position as prince. I am still getting used to my responsibilities, but, yes, I know one of them is keeping everyone informed.” He slid off the desk and walked toward her. “I am not accustomed to reporting in or taking bodyguards wherever I go. I was merely going about my business.”

She looked up at him. “I know that. But you scared me…all of us. We thought something bad had happened. Why wouldn’t we, when you didn’t answer your cell phone?”

“There is no coverage in the caves.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“No, I was merely stating the facts.” He turned away. “If you are determined to stay angry, I have work to do.”

“Fine, then do it.”

He whirled and pinned her against the back of the couch, holding her forearms so she couldn’t take a swing. As he shifted his weight against the length of her body, the tension in the room took on a very different hue. His expression darkened. “Are you going to forgive me soon or not?”

“I don’t know that I should, but it depends.” Her pulse began to race as her fear slid into something even more compelling. She pulled against his grasp, wanting to twine her fingers in his hair, and he released her arms. He kept her firmly trapped beneath his body.

“On what?” he growled in her ear. “This?” He nibbled on her earlobe. “Or this?” He brushed his lips against her jawline.

“This,” she said, sliding her fingers into his hair and meeting his kiss.

Chapter Seventeen

Ari woke to a loud pounding on her bedroom door. Looking at the window, it was still dark outside. The clock read 3:45. What the hell? She’d only been asleep two hours.

“Who is it? What’s the matter?” She jumped out of bed and grabbed a robe. The silky thing didn’t cover much but was better than answering the door in her T-shirt and panties.

She threw open the door to see Samuel’s scowling face.

“It’s Ursula. She wiped out an entire vampire court in Canada. I guess it’s a pretty gruesome scene.”

“Is Daron OK?”

“She didn’t attack Toronto. It was a smaller compound close to the US/Canadian border. That’s why we’re on alert.” He clenched his jaw. “No one knows where she’s headed next, but I’m not going to get caught unprepared.”

“You think she’s coming here.”

Samuel nodded. “Can’t rule it out. Andreas and Gabriel are calling everyone to the compound. It’s the most defensible place we have.”

“It’s also the biggest target.” She opened drawers and pulled out clean clothes. “I’ve tried to tell Andreas you shouldn’t put your forces in one spot. If that bitch breaches the compound, everyone will be trapped inside.” She started toward the bathroom. “I’ll try to send part of them back here. You’ve got the best alarm system and more escape routes.”

“The basement is the safest. It has reinforced steel doors,” he said, following her train of thought. “Andreas had modifications done when he first bought the mansion.”

“Good. Get some rooms set up and gather weapons. If I can talk anyone into coming here, I’ll send them through the tunnels via the club. That way no one will notice anything on the streets.”

“We’ll be ready.” Samuel left.

Ari stopped long enough to brush the pasty taste from her mouth and left the house within five minutes. She had Ryan on the phone as she ran through the deserted streets. He’d been sound asleep, but her words quickly brought him awake as she explained what had happened.

“If she comes to town, I can’t promise Ursula will confine her wrath to the vampires.”

“Christ, Ari, how do we fight her?”

“Blow torches, flamethrowers. Tell your officers not to wait for her to make the first move. If they do, they’ll be dead.”

“Son of a… I hope I’m just having a bad dream.” But Ari could already hear him getting out of bed. It might be a false alarm, but they couldn’t take that chance.

As Ari disconnected, she arrived at the row of warehouses that hid the entrance to the vampire compound. She stopped in her tracks, dismay written on her face. The strong presence of Otherworld power pressed against her skin. It would be like a beacon for Ursula, leading her straight to the vampires.

Ari knocked on the door and entered. The compound teemed with activity. The entire court, including Andreas and his three lieutenants: Gabriel, an older vamp named Oliver, and Glorius, a slinky vampiress who Ari wished had gone to Toronto with Daron, had gathered in the Blue Room. All three lieutenants were master vampires with abilities and power second only to Andreas. The rest of the public conference chamber was filled with vampire nest leaders and lycanthropes who headed various security teams. Everyone was talking at once.

Andreas looked up and nodded as she walked in the door. “Let us get started.”

Although he hadn’t raised his voice, the room grew quiet. “I think you have all heard what happened in Canada tonight, but let me confirm that a vampire court was attacked and destroyed by an O-Seven enforcer. No survivors. This enforcer could come here next.” He swept his gaze across the room. “It is only a possibility, but we must be ready.”

A voice called from the back. “How? We can’t fight an enforcer.”

Several voices rumbled, some in agreement, some in defiance.

“We have to be smarter by planning ahead, staying alert, and not making it easy.” Andreas glanced at Ari, his look acknowledging their prior discussions on strategy. “We start by spreading out our forces so we are not an easy target. While Ursula attacks one spot, others can survive and may be able to come to their aid. Those of you who live in the caverns, go there and stay there. We will place lycanthrope sentries at every entrance armed with torches and tending bonfires. Vampires will provide a second line of defense if those fail. If you live in town, join your friends or relatives in the caverns. If you elect to remain in town, we have places that can offer you some protection.” He paused and acknowledged Ari again. “The Guardian has warded this compound and Club Dintero with magical alarms and barriers. Both buildings are open to all. Obviously the compound has the most room, and I will remain here.” He turned to Gabriel. “Anything to add?”

Gabriel stood. “Just one word…hurry. I know this enforcer. Whatever you decide to do, make it quick and quiet. Ursula can move like the wind.”

What started as a shuffling of feet turned into a steady stream as vampires quickly exited the room, anxious to get to safety.

“Where do you want me?” Gabriel asked Andreas as Ari walked up.

“My home. Samuel will see to your safety.” He turned a brief smile on Ari. “You have convinced me that our leadership must not be too centralized.” His gaze returned to Gabriel. “Take Oliver with you.”

“Samuel’s already setting up defenses in the lower level,” Ari said. “But only Gabriel and Oliver? We have room for more people than that.”

“Another dozen, I think, plus guards and a group of Steffan’s werewolves. He has also offered extra wolves for the club and the compound.” Ari wasn’t surprised. The local werewolf leader was a personal friend and a ranking member of the Magic Council. He would do what he could to keep Riverdale and his friends safe.

“So, the Magic Council already knows?” she asked.

“I took the liberty of asking Steffan to notify the president. Do you mind?”

“No, I should have called him myself. But I did call Ryan. If trouble breaks out, at least he’ll know what kind of threat we’re facing. I told him to stock up on flamethrowers.”

Gabriel and Andreas both nodded. No one acted as if her recommendation was extreme.

Ari looked around the nearly empty conference room and sighed. She wanted to tell Andreas to get out of the compound, go somewhere unknown. A year ago, she would have. That was before he became Riverdale’s prince. Now he had to be here—at the vampires’ seat of power. Same concept as a captain on the bridge of his ship.

At least the sleeping quarters were deep underground, she reminded herself. And accessible only by a complicated maze of tunnels. That didn’t mean they were impregnable—as they’d found out eighteen months ago, but if an attack occurred, Ari intended to be right outside the last set of doors. Until Ursula was located somewhere other than Riverdale, Ari wasn’t straying far from Andreas’s side.

* * *

He wasn’t exactly thrilled with her plan. Over his strong objections, Ari set up camp in the underground tunnel. When Andreas finally accepted the inevitable, he had a cot and a battery heater brought in for her, and as soon as the vampires were inside the chambers, Ari pulled her makeshift bed in front of the hidden opening. If anyone got to the vampires, they would literally have to go through her.

For forty-eight hours, Riverdale’s vampire community and much of Canada remained on high alert, living like cities under siege.

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