At this moment a card was brought in. It was that of Mr. Erskine

himself, senior partner in the very firm.

He came in, old, eminently respectable, but shaken. He was greatly

shaken. "Gentlemen," he said nervously, "I hasten to bring you a

communication, a most extraordinary communication, which I have just

received. It is nothing less than a confession--a full confession--from

a person whom I had every reason to believe was dead. It is from Lord

Harry Norland."

"We know already," said the Chairman, superior, "the main facts which

you are going to lay before us. We are met to-day in order to discuss

our action in view of these facts. There has been a conspiracy of a

very artful and ingenious character. It has been successful so far

through the action of a woman. By the action of the same woman it is

sought to make restitution. The hand of justice, however--"

"Perhaps," said the lawyer, "you will oblige me by allowing me to read

the letter."

"Pray read it"--the Chairman bowed--"though I do not suppose it will

add to the information we already possess."

"Gentlemen"--the lawyer read--"You will be surprised and pained to

learn that I am not--as you were given to understand--dead; but on the

other hand, living and in the enjoyment of rude health. I see no reason

why my life should not be prolonged to threescore years and ten.

"The claim, therefore, which you sent in to the Royal Unicorn Life

Insurance Company was fraudulent. It was the result of a deep-laid

conspiracy. You have been made the innocent accomplice of a great


"My wife, who now knows the whole truth, is most anxious for

restitution to be made. She is about to restore that portion of the

money which lies in her name. Most of the rest will be sent back by

myself, on certain conditions.

"In communicating the fact of my being still alive to the head of my

family you will please also to inform him that I authorise the

discontinuance of the premium. This will save the family 300 pounds a

year. This will be a solatium to him for the fact that his brother

still lives to disgrace the name. If I should die before the next

premium is due I order my heirs not to claim the money.--I remain,

Gentlemen, your obedient servant, "HARRY NORLAND."

"The premium which should have been paid under ordinary circumstances,"

said the Secretary, "was due six weeks ago. The policy has therefore

expired." Copyright 2016 - 2025