He replied in those words, and left the cottage.

On the way back to his hotel, Hugh thought of what Mrs. Vimpany had

said to him when they had last seen each other: "Don't forget that

there is an obstacle between you and Iris which will put even your

patience and your devotion to a hard trial." The obstacle of the

husband had set itself up, and had stopped him already.

His own act (a necessary act after the language that had been addressed

to him) had closed the doors of the cottage, and had put an end to

future meetings between Iris and himself. If they attempted to

communicate by letter, Lord Harry would have opportunities of

discovering their correspondence, of which his jealousy would certainly

avail itself. Through the wakeful night, Hugh's helpless situation was

perpetually in his thoughts. There seemed to be no present alternative

before him but resignation, and a return to England.

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