I look around once more, seeing the fall weather settling around us and before I tell him goodbye, I look over at Lee leaning against our SUV waiting patiently with his long legs crossed at the ankles and his back against the door, while I have my chat with Jack.

“I haven’t told you in a while, but thank you. For everything you did to make sure that Molly and I were safe. For getting us out and bringing us to Hope Town. I wish you were still with us, but even in passing you set us up for a future of everything bright. I’m so happy, Jack. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss you, but Lee has brought something so special into our lives and I know somewhere you’re resting easy knowing that.”

The wind picks up and I turn my head when I hear heavy footsteps fall in behind me. Lee gives me his knee-melting smile that hasn’t gotten any less brilliant in three years.

“You ready?” he questions.

“Always, Lee.”

Lee turns his head and glances at Jack’s headstone. He doesn’t speak, but every time we come out here he takes a few seconds to just look.

“Are you ready?” I ask, smiling up at my husband.

His arm goes around my waist and I feel his hand over my pregnant stomach.

“Always. Just telling Jack thanks for handing me the world again.”

His head dips and I get a soft kiss before we turn and walk toward the SUV. Lee’s hand moves from my waist and his warm fingers close around my hand.

“I love you, darlin’,” he tells me his eyes full of love and his dimple flashing.

“I love you back.”

The End

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