This is it.

Moment of truth.

I know, from Dani, that Megan has been living a little lighter since I left last week. I also know, from her help conspiring to get Megan here tonight, that it’s a green light, full steam ahead for number two on our list.

The rush that’s flying through my body from my little moment in the spotlight is making my breath come out in pants, but I keep on, eyes on the prize as I reach out and hold my hand out for her.


Her eyes go from my hand to my face. I wait for the panic to wash her features, but when I see a hunger that could rival my own take over, I feel my body relax and with a grin stretches my lips.

Thank Christ.

“Take it, baby. Take my hand.”

To anyone watching I’m sure it looks like the simplest of gestures. But I know, I fucking know, if her hand hits mine that she finally sees what I’ve been waiting for. That she is ready. Ready for me to give her everything.

I hold my breath. The magnitude of what this moment means hitting me like a tsunami.

This. This is it.

When her soft skin comes up and even through her trembling movements I know, my girl is ready.

Time for number three.

“Time to go,” I tell her and she nods. It’s small, but she nods. I bend down, grab her purse and turn without saying a single goodbye to our friends and walk out the door. Not with Megan behind me, nervous or scared, but with her matching me step for step as we head through the bar and out into the warm Georgia night.

When we reach my truck, I unlock the door and help her into the cab, handing her her purse after she clicks her belt. She looks in my eyes and gives me a smile, not timid at all. Her smile is strong and sure.

“Ready?” I question.

She closes her eyes, clears her throat and her smile grows, “Yeah, Liam. I’m ready.”

“That’s my girl.”

I lean forward, hands pushing into the soft hair around her face and I curl my fingers, giving her the slightest pressure before I press my lips to hers in a kiss that demands her compliance. It’s a kiss that shows her without words what’s to come.

Breaking the kiss, I press my forehead to hers and pray I can get through the next step without my rock hard cock taking control.

Soon. But not yet.

I round the hood and jump into the driver’s seat, turning to look at her as her fingers run along her swollen lips. She moves her head and when her eyes hit mine, those lips tip up and a carefree excitement takes hold of her nerves and I breathe easy knowing I’ve finally broken through.

“Where are we going?” she asks as my truck bounces through the dirt path we turned off of just seconds before.

“A little late to ask, darlin’,” I joke.

“Well, I don’t think I was able to form a sentence that would make sense until just now.”


“You, Liam, kiss me stupid.”

My laugh comes out quick and I turn to look at her for a second before returning my eyes back toward the dirt road before us. I know this road like the back of my hand, but in the dark I know better than to take my attention away for too long.

“Stupid isn’t how I want you.”

“How—how do you want me?” Her question is just above a whisper and the quiver attached to each word works my cock so well, she might as well have wrapped her lips around my shaft.

I can see the clearing just ahead and I wait until the truck’s parked before I answer. Turning slightly, I reach out and with one finger pop her seatbelt free. Her eyes follow my hand and as the fabric of her seatbelt moves across her chest she pulls her arm free and lets it clang against the side of the truck.

“How do you want me, Liam?” she repeats, her body moving slightly so that she can see me better.

Reaching out with both hands I grab her hips, curl my fingers into the soft skin and pull her toward me. She helps, just as eager as I am to be closer. Her legs move, straddling my lap, and when the weight of her body settles against my lap, we both moan. My hands, still at her hips, pull her toward me in a rocking motion that has the heat of her pussy warming my erection to the point that I’m questioning if I just came a little.

Her small hands come up and wrap around my neck. “How do you want me?” she says with her lips moving against my own.

My tongue comes out and I trace the curve of her bottom lip. When her mouth opens slightly, causing her lip to move closer to my mouth, I nip it with my teeth, pulling it slightly before letting go. Her eyes hood and her hips rock forward against my hold, causing my fingers to dig in tighter. Copyright 2016 - 2024