Why is he in chaps? Seconds before, he wore a kilt. Now, he's wearing a kilt and motorcycle-style chaps. He didn't have time to change while flying through the air over my head - I'd have seen it.

Not only that, but he has a shadow, because it's noon now instead of almost dark. I don't think it's the kingdom; I think LF didn't bother rereading this scene for consistency. If I wasn't scared, I'd be annoyed.

"You forgot to edit this scene," I whisper to LF, my eyes bugging at the size of the man's chest and biceps. Leather straps crisscross an otherwise bare, broad, muscular chest, and weapons are strapped to his back, his thighs, and a wound whip at his hip. His biceps are bulging, befitting a man with thighs like tree trunks who also stands a head and a half taller than me and twice as wide.

I can't get over the boar's head. Do they grow pigs that big? Because this doesn't seem possible.

Thank god this is a book. Once again, I experience a sense of bravery I've never known in real life. Instead of cowering, I decide to see how this plays out.

"Witch," the half-man growls in an inhuman voice.

I swallow hard and remind myself again that just because this seems real, it's not. It can't be.

"N. . . no. You have the wrong person," I reply. "I was just walking in the forest when you people attacked me." I inch away, not wanting to take the chance he doesn't buy my excuse.

The boar head tilts to the side and he reaches for the whip. "Halt."

I do. My heart feels like it's going to explode. It may not be a bad thing, if that's what it takes to jar me out of this bizarre place.

"You wear purple like a witch."

"This?" I glance down at the cloak. "I borrowed it."

"You wear the witching stone of my kingdom."

My hand goes to the medallion at my chest.

"Tell me you borrowed what belongs to me and no one else." With the warning growl, the man-beast steps towards me.

Shit. "Wait, wait!" I hold up my hand. "I can explain!"

He halts.

"So maybe I found this, not borrowed it," I say quickly. "I can see it's important to you. I'll take it back to where I found it. It was just right back there." I point and turn. "Taking it back. Don't kill me."

Leather creaks as he reaches for some weapon and I bolt, panicking. A flash of metal flies over me. I duck instinctively.

The huge axe smashes into the tree ahead of me, severing the trunk clean through. The tree groans and crashes into others as it topples over backwards. The weapon acts as a boomerang and returns to the man who threw it, far enough above my head to tell me that was a warning.

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