"Omigod I love this lady," I say, relieved she doesn't think I'm batshit crazy. Of course, my next message makes me wish she'd ignored me.

My name is Naia too! Maybe you can put me in a book! I can chop off heads with shadow Night and maybe jason's head. I hate my life. You are so lucky - you think of good books that make life better. I just read. I don't even have a car. That's how bad life sucks. I wish I could start over . . . find out who I am . . . go somewere happy . . . find a good man. . .

The warrior queen of Black Moon Draw said she had asked for a new life. It looks like, in a drunken stupor, I did as well. My eyes water. I wipe them and continue reading. LF's next response causes me to squeak.

The worlds I write are so real to me. I think sometimes they might actually exist. LOL How silly is that? But I'd be happy to put you in a book, Naia.J In fact, I need a heroine for Black Moon Draw, someone who can save the Shadow Knight and his people from certain destruction. Sound like somewhere you'd like to go?

My breath catches. I reread it. "So she did send me there and I'm supposed to save him." Grappling with the revelation, I can't help feeling even more perplexed by what the hell is going on. "Why am I here? Did I miss my chance?" I seek some sign my apartment is an illusion and find nothing but familiarity in my surroundings.

Technically, we did exactly what was needed to break the curse. The Shadow Knight conquered seven kingdoms and had the sworn allegiance of the remaining two before his last breath. Then, I went to face the magic at the heart of Black Moon Draw and ended up . . . here.

There's nothing but two smiley faces - one from me and the final from LF - in the message. No instructions or additional details about what she was planning to do next.

I sit back and stare at the messages, unable to believe I volunteered to be a book character. I had no way of knowing it was real. Rereading her responses, I search for clues as to what I'm supposed to do now, how I can help the Shadow Knight.

How to get back. My hand hovers over the mouse and I examine the churning instincts that are all too aware of how little time the Shadow Knight's world has.

Pulling up the story on Wattpad, I'm astonished to see LF has added so many chapters. I skim through them as fast as I can, even more alarmed to see my adventure in Black Moon Draw written, word for word, detailing every thought, word, and tear, by an author I've never met before, who doesn't even have a website.

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