Totally. Worth. It. I had no idea sex could be so consuming and offer so much pleasure, both physically and mentally. Atreyu was more than I expected, almost too much to handle at points, reminding me in honeyed growls to trust him and submit, no matter what he asked me to do or what position he put my body in. He takes the word obedience to a whole new level.

I have absolutely no regrets. The moment my eyes open in the morning, I crave him with inhuman yearning.

Stretching luxuriously, my utter contentment is interrupted only by soreness in muscles I didn't know existed before last night. It's light outside, and a cold breeze sweeps into the bedchamber. With a delicious shiver, I pat the bed beside me, expecting to feel the warm skin coating his ripped frame. I'm ready for another round of his voracious appetite to warm me up.

He's not there.

I sit up, happiness turning to alarm. It's the last day of this world. Reality returns and my chest grows tight.

He's not anywhere, and the boar head is gone, along with his weapons. I can think of one reason for that - that he found a new battle to fight - but don't have any idea what he might be planning to do after his utter desolation last night.

If I know men, it's probably something really stupid. What happens if I don't see him again before this is over? If we end up wandering lost through the mazes of the castle up until sunset?

Uncontrollable fear smashes into me. I scramble out of bed, dress clumsily, and quickly summon the outhouse. My inner thighs tremble too much for me to keep my thighs together and newly discovered muscles in my pelvis and abs making me yowl aloud at one point.

I won't get far without stretching and take a few precious minutes to do a simple, ten-minute yoga routine, scowling and whimpering all the way. It's like getting fat. It feels so good doing it, but man does it hurt when you're trying to do things differently. Thank god I'm flexible or I'd have torn something last night.

I'd do it again every day for the rest of my life. My breath sticks in my throat. It's not just my core that aches for him; it's my heart, too. My stomach is twisting with fear and dread, the butterflies that have plagued me since we met are frenzied this time, terrified I met my true love, only for me never to see him again.

Spurred by such thoughts, I hurry to the door and open it, stopping in the doorway. It's light outside with the sun ball in the middle of the sky, visible through the center window in the bank of seven along the far wall. Copyright 2016 - 2024