Dread seeped into her pores. Rick Dunn’s wife. Great . Had he put her up to this? A fishing expedition to hook juicy slander?

Vivi’s blue eyes, encircled with heavy black liner and flaking mascara, swept Allison with a resentful look. “I remember being young and pretty. It all goes to hell after forty-five. Oh, what I would give to have my before-four-kids body again.”

With a forced smile, Allison edged away. She gripped her martini glass, even though she had no intention of drinking. Her stomach had gone from queasy to nauseous.

Vivi poked Allison with her elbow. Pink liquor sloshed from her glass onto the bar. “In my day I turned heads.” She fluffed her hair and gave a winning smile. “I’d walk into a room and have the attention of every man there.”

Devon rolled her eyes. “Not all attention is good attention.”

Vivi wrinkled her nose. “Oh, admit it. Any man with a pulse lusts after this girl.” An observation that made Devon scowl and Allison squirm. “Like me,” she said, nudging Allison, “you inherited the genes of a Barbie doll. Enjoy it while it lasts. To get my figure back I’d have to give up cheesecake and wine. Then, I’d have to ask, what’s the point in living?”

Allison sent a pleading glance to Devon, who shrugged with a sorry-for-your-luck expression. So she replied thinly, “Life’s meant to be enjoyed.”

“Exactly! I knew I’d like you.” Vivi beamed. “We’ll get along famously.”

The bartender set a glass of white wine on the counter. Vivi swung her hips to bump Devon aside. She plucked the drink and drained half before resuming her interrogation. “I saw you come in with the boss man.”

“Logan invited me.” Allison added quickly, “It was a last-minute thing.”

“Yummy.” Her shoulders gave a little shiver. “He’s a big hunk of deliciousness, isn’t he? Drink up, sweetie.” She tapped the bottom of Allison’s glass. “According to office gossip, when he takes a girl home she’s in for a good long night.” She winked. “If you know what I mean.”

A rock dropped into Allison’s stomach. How many working relationships had Logan made personal? She straightened. It didn’t matter. Picturing him with another woman, possibly one in this room, didn’t bother her. Or leave her with a hollow sensation in her very core. She wasn’t one of those girls. She needed to set the woman straight. “You don’t understand, Logan and I—”

Vivi flapped her hand. “Sure, sure, corporate politics. But did you think no one would notice the sexy CEO showing up with his latest ‘assistant?’ Puh-leez.”

Allison swallowed a choking sensation.

“He hasn’t taken his eyes off you since you two arrived.” Vivi casually polished off her drink, blind to the pale horror on Allison’s face. “Ah, those were the days.”

Is that what they think ? Had Logan dragged her here to bolster his reputation in and out of the office? She felt mortified, used. Sharp anger dug in its talons.

Devon inserted, “Riveting as your theories are, I’m stepping outside for a cigarette. Anyone who cares to join can. Meaning Allison.”

Vivi arched a painted-on eyebrow. “Well, smoking explains your skinniness and the feathering around your lips.”

Allison frowned. That comment was absurdly off the mark. Devon had a striking dark-on-pale beauty most women would kill for. So what if she smoked, considering the stress of her job.

Devon lashed back, “Better than a has-been lush who doesn’t know when to shut her trap and mind her own business.”

Allison could’ve hugged her. She wished she’d stuck up for Devon when she had the chance.

Vivi whispered aghast, “Well, I never.” She glared at Devon’s retreating back. “Jealousy is an ugly accessory to wear to a party. Hmph.”

“Devon isn’t jealous,” Allison said. “No one should be, because there’s nothing—”

“Everything okay here?” Logan’s voice came from behind them.


Allison whirled on Logan. No! she wanted to shout, furious with herself as much as him. How dare you flaunt me, when I never asked for your spotlight?

“Your latest conquest and I were just chatting.” Throwing Logan a wink, Vivi elbowed him in the ribs.

With sarcasm Allison remarked, “Yes, Mr. Stone. Everything is lovely. Mrs. Dunn and I were just discussing office gossip. About you.”

Logan had the dignity to cringe.

“Don’t worry,” Vivi insisted, swatting Logan’s backside. “I explained how your reputation precedes you.”

He went from concerned to irritated, a muscle twitching in his jaw. “Whatever she said, it’s not true.”

“Except the good stuff.” Vivi grinned indulgently. “I heard you—”

“Allison,” he interrupted, “dinner is being served. Join me?”

“No, thanks.” She glared at him. “I’ve lost my appetite.”

He slid his arm around her waist and guided her away. “There’s an empty seat beside mine with your name on it.”

She wriggled out of his grasp. “I told you, I’m not hungry.”

“Humor me.”

“Isn’t that what I’ve been doing?”

As they neared the table, he blocked her retreat, and she had little choice but to move with his strides. He planted her drink at the place setting beside his guest-of-honor position. Then he held the chair out for her. She should get out while she could. But he’d driven, and finding a cab in a snowstorm wasn’t likely. This was the last time she let a man talk her into something when she knew better. She dropped into the seat and sent him a withering look. “You threw me under the bus tonight, Logan.”

He peered at her intently. “Is that what you think?” Guests swarmed around the table, taking their places. “We’ll talk later.”

How convenient , she stewed. She gripped the sides of her chair like it was the only stable thing in the room. Anger boiled under the surface of her outward calm.

When Vivi and Rick Dunn sat across the table from her, the night went from intolerable to abysmal. She concentrated on the centerpiece, a Birch-bark candelabra casting a soft glow that should’ve soothed her. Conversations rippled to the left, to the right. Her head started to pound.

The table went through half a dozen toasts to Logan and Stone Security as salads and warm rolls made the rounds. She winced as a well-meaning colleague tried chatting her up. She’d rather face a rabid dog than endure small talk. He got the picture after a few minutes.

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