“Sorry, big day.”

Her smile fades. “Cade told me that there was a note left for you.”

Her eyes are sympathetic. I hate that. I hate sympathy. I don’t need it. I can deal with this. I will deal with this. I’m not going to get run off by a dropkick who has issues with my dead husband.

“Honey,” she says, reaching over and gripping my hand. “You’re looking really angry right now.”

“I am angry, Addi,” I say, meeting her gaze. “Because of my dead husband, I now have debts I can’t afford, and the only way out of them is to either a) pay them, or b) have the guys deal with it, which either results in them getting hurt or someone getting killed.”

“They know what they’re doing, hon,” Serenity says.

“I know, but it’s not their problem, it’s mine.”

“It is their problem. The moment you become one of their ladies, everything becomes their problem. You need to let Muff do what he needs to do and just trust he knows what’s right,” Ciara adds gently.

I put my head in my hands. “I know that, okay? I do, but it’s hard for me to just step back and let him take over.”

“It’ll get easier.” Addison sighs. “Trust me.”

“You girls ready to go?” Spike says, popping his head into the room. “Visiting hours are over, and precious needs some rest.”

Addison smiles at him, and he winks at her. Ciara gets up, and Serenity and I quickly follow. We all hug Addison.

“Thanks for coming. I appreciate everything you girls have done for me,” she says, holding Ciara’s hand.

“Always.” I smile.

“Forever,” Serenity adds.

“I can’t beat that.” Ciara laughs. “But, you know, I’ve always got your back.”

We hug Addi again and head out. My head is pounding by the time I get outside. As soon as Muff walks over to me, I fall into him, nestling into his chest, just wanting his comfort.

“Come on, Jaybird. Let’s get you home.”

I let him lead me to the truck, and crash before he even gets the chance to get onto the highway.

I’m exhausted.

Chapter 9



“We located him, Muff,” Jackson says, walking into my house the next morning.

I’m shuffling around the kitchen, looking for coffee. Janine is still sleeping after having an extremely painful night. At Jackson’s words though, I stop. “Where?”

“Warehouse, south of here. We managed to get enough information to figure out who that bastard owed money to. After a few questions, we worked out he was after J for money. We’re ready to go, if you decide you wanna deal with this now.”

I turn, walking out into the living area to get my jacket. I pull it over my shoulders, throw my boots on and grab my helmet. “You know I wanna fuckin’ deal with it now.”

“Where’s J?”

“She’s sleepin’. Rough night.”

Jackson nods, and jingles his keys. “Ready to sort this shit out?”

“Fuckin’ oath.”

“Where are you going?”

I hear the tiny voice from behind me, and turn to see Jaybird, hair ruffled, cute-ass pink pajamas on, staring at me. I walk over, gripping her shoulders and leaning down, kissing her softly. Her eyes are black, her nose is puffy, and I know she feels like shit. Poor thing. I wouldn’t have gotten so...creative, if I’d known it would bring her harm.

“I’m goin’ to sort this shit out. Stay here.”

Her eyes widen. “Y...y...you found him? Already?”

“We ain’t slow, baby. It doesn’t take long to track down someone like that.”

“W...w...what are you going to do?”

I stroke her cheek. “Club business, baby. You just stay here.”

“Muff...you don’t have to do this for me,” she whispers.

I take her chin. “When are you goin’ to realize that you’re my everything, Jaybird? I won’t rest until I know you’re safe. That’s what you do when someone is your everything.”

“I know, but...”

“Hush,” I say, giving her stern eyes. “You know that I gotta do this.”

“Are you in danger?”

I shake my head. “Naw, the guys have always got my back. You know that, angel.”

She swallows and nods, because she does know that. If there’s one thing she knows, it’s how clubs work. “Please...be careful.”

I lean down, kissing her lips. “Always.”

I turn, giving her one last smile before heading out with Jackson.

It’s time to kick some ass.



“Fucker is dumb as dog shit,” Spike says, rubbing his fists. “Left a fuckin’ trail a mile long.”

“Well, it’s time to sort him out so we can focus on fuckin’ Christmas,” I grunt.

“I’m hearin’ ya,” Cade says, lighting a cigarette.

“How are we gonna play this?” Jackson asks, lifting his sunglasses and staring into the warehouse.

“I say we threaten him, give him something to fear. Tell him to back down. If he doesn’t wanna back down, you know what we’ll do,” I say, thumbing the gun in my pants.

“Fine by me,” Spike growls. “Let’s do this.”

We kick the fence, three times, and it swings open. We all stride in, shades on, jackets showing, ready to beat someone. Three guys come out the front door of the huge shed out front, and yell something at us. Jackson steps forward. “Lookin’ for Harry,” he says, his tone harsh.

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