“Fuck,” Addison says, with a sly grin.

“Make sweet, sweet love,” Ciara giggles.

“Do the horizontal dance of loooove,” Serenity adds.

I burst out into a fit of giggles. “Stop it!”

“Yo, woman!”

We all turn to see Spike appear in the doorway with Cade. Spike has his son in his arms, upside-down. I smile; the two of them together are totally adorable. Little Danny adores his daddy.

“Spike!” Ciara laughs. “Pretty sure you have our son up the wrong way.”

Spike grins at her. “Baby, he likes it better this way.”

She rolls her eyes and walks over, gripping her son and lifting him from Spike’s arms. “Your daddy is a rebel!”

“Don’t listen to her, little buddy.” Cade grins. “She tells lies.”

Ciara slaps Cade’s shoulder, and follows Spike out of the room. Addison walks over, hand resting on her little round belly, and she smiles up at Cade. “You all packed?”

He grunts. “Fuckin’ clothes, so many of the fuckin’ things. Who needs them?”

Addison leans in close. “You sure won’t.”

A grin appears on Cade’s face, and he wraps her in his arms, tugging her from the room. I beam, and turn to Serenity. “How’s Ava?”

“She’s being a little clingy to Jackson at the moment, but she’ll be okay with your mom for the weekend.”

“Is Danny going to spend time with Ciara’s parents?”

Serenity shrugs. “I think so. I’m not entirely sure what the go is there.”

“I think there were huge issues there over the death of her sister until Danny was born. Apparently it softened them, and he spends a bit of time with them now.”

“I know he spends time with them,” she says. “I just don’t know the full story.”

“I can’t believe we get to be kid-free,” I add, changing the subject. It’s a bit of a touchy one that I’m not entirely sure of.

“I owe your mom big time for this.” She sighs. “Jackson and I have been dying for some time together.”

I smile at her, and lean down, sitting on my suitcase so I can do it up.

“Jesus, woman, what’s in there? Ebony?”

I laugh. “No, she’d be in Muff’s suitcase.”

“She sure does like him, huh?”

I beam and nod. “She does. I love seeing them together.”

“You ladies ready to rumble?”

I hear the sexy, smooth voice that has my heart thudding wildly, and I turn to see Muff standing at the door. The moment I lay my eyes on him, my stomach does those stupid little somersaults that don’t seem to fade, even after all the time we spend together. I slowly let my eyes move up until I’m meeting his. He has these beautiful blue eyes that suck you in, and don’t let you go. His hair is dark red and long, flowing around his shoulders. He’s a mass of colorful tattoos. They’re up his arms, all over his chest and back. He’s divine.

“I’m ready,” I squeak, and then inwardly curse for sounding like a desperate teenage girl about to lose her virginity.

Muff grins, and walks in, catching me in his arms and pulling me close. My breath hitches as I peer up at him, mesmerized by his masculine beauty. He lifts his hand and runs a thumb over my bottom lip.

“I hope you’re ready.”

“Ew, Muff!” Serenity grumbles, zipping up her case.

“Don’t pretend you don’t love it, princess.” He grins, lifting his head.

I know Serenity slept with Muff and Jackson at the same time, and surprisingly, I’m okay with it. I won’t lie and say I haven’t wondered why he slept with her yet hasn’t made any moves on me, but the overall fact that it happened doesn’t bother me.

Well, I don’t think it does anyway. I love my friend, and I wasn’t in the picture when it happened. I don’t blame her for being curious; both of the guys are gorgeous. I wouldn’t have minded being squished between them.

“Dream on, buddy,” Serenity says, rolling her eyes.

Muff chuckles, and looks back down at me. “I’ll be out front. Come when you’re ready,” he murmurs, and then leans down to my ear. “And baby, don’t wear any panties.”

I gape as he grins at me once more, and then walks out, taking my suitcase with him. I turn to Serenity, and she’s practically bouncing on the spot. Before I know it, she begins doing a little dance. “J is going to get laid, J is going to get laid!”

“Stop it!” I giggle, rushing over and leaping into her arms.

It’s nice to feel young again, even if it is just for a moment. I’ve lived such a tough life, working for Hogan, and marrying that pig of a man. For the first time, I’m able to enjoy the life I have been given, and it feels damn good.

“Mommy!” Ebony cries, running into the room. “Nanny is here.”

“Okay, baby.” I smile, leaning down and scooping her into my arms.

Ebony is my life. Without her I would have never continued to fight the way I do now. She might have part of her father in her, but she’s an angel to me. She always will be my reason for being.

“I’ll get Ava,” Serenity says, turning and rushing from the room.

I carry Eb downstairs and see my mother waiting in the living room. When she sees me, she smiles. I’ve been close to my mother most of my life, and while she didn’t agree with my marriage, she tried hard to support me as much as she could, for Ebony’s sake. I am almost sure, however, that she’s not sad to see that pig dead.

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