“I don’t know,” Cade mutters. “Addison is still in the fuckin’ bathroom. When she gets out, we’ll figure it out.”

“Maybe we can go hiking?” Jackson suggests, and we all give him a horrified expression.

“Or not,” he mutters.

Muff comes into the room, coffee in hand. He winks at me, and I flush. We seem closer after our moment earlier, and I’m enjoying it. He does things to me. Things I’ve never experienced before.

“There’s a real pretty view from a mountain we can drive to,” he suggests.

“That’s a good idea,” I say.

“Yeah, sure is,” Cade says.

Addison appears in the room then, and I notice right away her face is pale and that she doesn’t have her usual bounce.

Without turning, Cade says, “Addi, we’re going to the mountain. You cool with that?”

She doesn’t answer. I get to my feet. “Addi, honey, are you okay?”

Everyone is watching her now, and Ciara is on her feet beside me. Cade turns, and his eyes fall on Addison. His face becomes concerned.

“Sugar?” he says gently.

“I’m...” Addison rasps, letting a tear tumble down her cheek. “I’m bleeding. It’s bad.”

My heart falls. Cade leaps out of his chair and rushes over to her, wrapping his arms around her and crushing her to him. “Sugar, shhh.”

“What do we do?” Jackson says, standing.

“Get her to the hospital,” Ciara says in a weak voice.

Addison is crying heavily when she pulls back from Cade.

“I don’t want to lose our baby, Cade.”

My heart breaks when I see the expression on Cade’s face—and then, even more when I look at Addison’s.

“We’re going to be just fine baby, just fine.”

He wraps a jacket around her shoulders and leans down, taking his keys from the bench by the door. Jackson is by her side now too, stroking her hair.

“I’m takin’ her to the hospital,” Cade mutters.

We all stand.

We’re all going, and we all know it.

It’s just the way it is.

All for one, and one for all.



Jaybird is staring out the window, knees tucked to her chest. She’s worried about Addison; we all are. Her and Cade are so excited about that baby. If they lose it, after everything they’ve been through, it might just break them. They deserve that baby, and everything it will bring for them. I reach over, gripping Jaybird’s hand and squeezing it. She looks over at me; her eyes are worried and glassy.

“I lost a baby once,” she whispers.

“What?” I rasp, shaking my head.

“Before Eb’s. I was only young. I hadn’t been with...him...for long. The condom broke, and I got pregnant. He was angry. He was sure back then that I was cheating on him, and he didn’t believe it was his. He got angry one night, and he pushed me down the stairs. I lost my baby.”

If he wasn’t dead, I’d go and fucking gut him. Slowly. With a blunt knife.

“Shit, Jaybird, I’m sorry,” I say, trying not to growl.

She shrugs. “It happens, but it’s an awful feeling. Addison and Cade, they don’t deserve that kind of pain.”

“Neither did you.”

She turns to me. “No.”

“They’re going to be okay; we’ve got their backs. We’ve always got their backs. We will get them through, no matter what.”

“They’re lucky to have you guys. All of you,” she says, staring back out the window.

“You have us now too, Jaybird.”

I think she knows that.

I just don’t know if she believes it.

Chapter 6

A Christmas Miracle!


“How’s she holding up?” Ciara asks, when Cade comes out of the hospital. We’re all sitting outside, trying to keep out of everyone’s way. It’s cool out, but no way near as cold down here. I’m thankful for the warm clothes, though.

“They’re not sure yet,” he whispers, lighting up a cigarette. “She’s bleeding bad.”

“We’re here, buddy,” Spike says, clapping his shoulder. “We’re not goin’ anywhere.”

“I know,” Cade says, nodding. “Thanks.”

“Does she need anything? Can we go and get her something?” I say, standing and placing a hand on Cade’s shoulder.

I don’t really know these guys that well, but I do know that they’re all very close and they would die for each other. They’re family, and they will go to the ends of the earth to make sure the man by their side is happy. Cade smiles down at me, though it’s weak and drained. “Maybe some clothes? I only have the winter stuff, and it’s quite warm in there. She needs something from home.”

“Muff and I will go get some stuff,” I say, nodding.

“Thanks, J.”

Muff stands, patting Cade on the back. “Call if you need anything else, otherwise we’ll be back soon.”

We head back to Muff’s truck and get in, making our way back to Jackson’s house, where most of Addi’s clothes are. I’ve been staying with Jackson, but I know soon I’ll have to find a place of my own. He’s been kind enough to keep Eb’s and I there.

We pull into the drive and get out, walking up the path. We stop halfway up when Muff shoves a hand across my chest, halting me. I open my mouth to ask what he’s stopping for, but I see the note stuck to the door. It’s obviously placed, and it’s messy. There are big black letters on it, so someone has made an effort to make it and put it there.

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