
“Well, I really don’t think getting arrested for indecent exposure would help your career, so maybe we should skip the sights and get back to the beach house.”

I kissed her once more before I let her go, just because I could. “Now look who has the self-control.”

The last button on my shirt slid home, and I rolled the sleeves past my elbow. A pair of cargo shorts, and I was good to go. The sun was setting, which meant the fireworks would start soon.

Sam had already gotten dressed, if the discarded shorts and shirt on the floor were any clue. I picked them up and tossed them into the laundry bag, shaking my head. It wasn’t like I could be mad. I’d learned a long time ago that people didn’t really change. You either accepted them complete with their faults, or you had to let them go.

Sam was messy. If that was her biggest fault, I was pretty damn lucky.

I headed down the stairs and passed the second floor before I heard his voice, and Sam’s escalating response. “If he wants me to know something, he’s going to tell me himself, and you can’t assume because he had one tragic car accident that he’s going to fail at being a pilot.”

Shit. Why couldn’t Dad butt the hell out? He always had in the past.

“And if you care anything about his life, you’ll listen to me. He’s dangerous up there.” Dad’s voice boomed from the living room.

I upped my pace, jumping the last step.

“I’ve flown with Grayson for the last year, and he’s anything but dangerous. His reflexes are unparalleled, and he aces every test. He works his ass off, which is something you should be proud of.”

Great, now Jagger was defending me. How long until Dad opened his mouth?

“Written or oral?” Dad tossed back.

“Both,” I answered before he could fuck my career. I came up behind Sam to wrap my arms around her waist. She sagged against me, and I nodded to Parker, who stood with her arms crossed next to Dad. “And you’re done harassing my girlfriend.”

Sam stiffened.

“Girlfriend?” Parker choked out.

“Girlfriend,” I assured her.

She shook her head. “Whatever. Look, we’re only here because you didn’t show up at the Bowdens’ for the barbecue and you weren’t answering texts.”

My eyes narrowed. “I was in the shower, my phone is upstairs, and we’re not going.”

“But it’s tradition.” She looked at me like I’d grown two heads.

“How about I take everyone down to the beach for the fireworks,” Jagger offered, giving me a hard pat on the back. “Family can be a bitch,” he added quietly.

“You would know,” I replied.

Sam turned in my arms. “I’m going to head down with them. Unless you need me?” Her voice was laced with concern.

“No, I’ve got this. I’ll meet you in a few.” I kissed the soft skin of her forehead, inhaling sanity and relief that she was escaping. She didn’t deserve the fight I knew was coming. She gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my hands as she took off after Jagger.

A few moments later, the door shut and the house was ours for the yelling. My stare wavered between Parker and Dad, unsure of who I wanted to start with.

“Girlfriend?” Parker threw the first volley.

“Yes, Parker. I have a girlfriend. She’s Sam, and I’m happy for the first time in years. Is that so awful? Are you so against me being happy?”

Her mouth opened and closed. “But Grace—”

“What about Grace?” I shouted. “I loved Grace. A part of me will probably always love Grace, but she’s not coming back, Parker, and she wouldn’t want me to spend my life in that hospital room with her body when her soul is already gone. If I can finally accept that, you can, too.”

“That’s not true!” she fired back. “She’s imp—”

“Enough.” Dad didn’t have to yell. “Parker, Gray has been through enough. He deserves to be happy. He deserves to be loved. I’m pretty sure that staying faithful to Grace for the last five years earns him sainthood. You do not get to encroach on his character, or the character of that lovely young woman because you have some idealistic fantasy in your head.”

Holy shit, it was nice to see my dad again.

“Dad,” Parker pleaded, and my head drifted to the side.

“Why is this so important to you, Parker?” I asked, struggling to keep level.

She blinked back tears, and my heart sank. “It’s always been you two, you know? Growing up, getting through school. Grayson and Grace. You two made me believe in the idea of soul mates and…love. And then that night happened…”

Grace’s screams, the impact, the utter horror seeing her underwater when I came to—it all flooded me. I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath. Sam. I held on to her green eyes, the feel of her in my arms, the way she set me on fire and filled me with peace all at the same time. Then I opened my eyes.

“It was tragic, losing Grace. But, do you want me to die with her?”

She looked away. “No.”

“Then you have to let me live. And Sam, whether or not you like her, makes me feel more alive than I ever have. I love you, Parker. I do. But I can’t let you sabotage the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

“So you’re not coming tonight?”

“Give it up, Parker, and go wait for me in the car,” Dad instructed.

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