“Do you know how long I’ve planned this? How many nights I lay in bed across from your room and thought about how you’d feel under my hands? How many times you’d bend over and I’d want nothing more than to step behind and slide into you?” His fingers swept through me again, and he groaned as he circled my clit. “How wet you’d be.” His breathing accelerated and his jaw locked as he slid one finger inside me. My muscles clamped down, and I couldn’t control the moan that slipped free. Another finger joined, and he kissed me, his tongue thrusting at the same slow, deliberate speed his fingers were. “How tight you’d be,” he whispered against my lips.

Everything in me coiled, centering in my core, winding higher with every word he spoke, every press of his fingers. He used his thumb to apply pressure to my clit as his fingers worked within me. “God, Sam. I’ve dreamed of this, fantasized a million different ways. Holding you. Exploring you. Having sex with you. Making love to you.” He kissed me gently, and I melted a little more, despite the tension building to a breaking point within me. “Fucking you.”

Leave it to Grayson to make that word the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.

His fingers sped up, curled inward, and his kiss turned carnal. I rode his hand, arching into him through every stroke, my fingers biting into the skin of his back. My eyes shut, every sense too overwhelmed with pleasure to take the overload. “Grayson…” His name became my chant as the tension built to the breaking point.

“Look at me,” he demanded. “I need to see you come.”

My eyes flew open as he pinched my clit and stroked my G-spot simultaneously. I cried out soundlessly as my orgasm ripped through me, sending pure bliss through every cell in my body.

His thumb circled those nerves as he brought me down, then pressed lightly, sending another jolt through me. His hand slid away, and though I’d just had the most astonishing orgasm of my life, I felt another spark ignite as he licked the pad of his middle finger. The one that had been inside me.

He groaned. “You taste better than I ever imagined, and believe me, I imagined it a lot.” His eyes were wild, his infamous control slipping by the moment.

I did this to him. Pushed him to the brink of madness. It wasn’t enough.

I wanted him absolutely fucking insane.

With one hand on his shoulder, I urged him to his back, careful to snag the condom before he rolled onto it. It was his turn to gasp as I licked my way down his chest, savoring each line, breathing in his scent mingling with mine.

I worshiped the sexy V that led to his boxer briefs, kissing the tensed muscles as his hands wove into my hair. “Sam,” he groaned.

“Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?” I countered. “You drive me crazy at the gym, at home, anywhere you feel the need to take your shirt off. It’s like you have a direct line to my panties with each inch of skin you show.” I nipped at his flesh, then kissed it. “It’s not fair.”

“Sam,” he whispered, and I met his eyes, which had gone almost feral. “Between us? You have all the power. All the control. You always have. I’m hard for you the minute you so much as smile, or curse, or walk in the damned room.”

“Show me.”

I gripped his erection through the fabric of his boxer briefs, and his hips bucked as he sucked his breath in through his teeth. Emboldened, I ran my fingers along the elastic, and then under. Then I took them off, never once breaking eye contact. The intimacy of what we were doing was nearly overwhelming.

My tongue skimmed my lower lip as my hand unerringly found him. Of course he was huge. Was there anything about Grayson that wasn’t built like a Greek god? He groaned, his fingers tightening against my scalp.

He was hot in my hands, smooth and rigid, soft at the tip when I ran my thumb over him, wiping away the small bead that had formed. Then I gave in to the need to know how he tasted and ran my tongue along the underside of his shaft until I circled the head. My hand gripped his base as I took him inside my mouth, humming with pleasure as he called my name. “Samantha. Fuck. Yes… No. God, you can’t. I’ll come.” His legs trembled beneath me.

“So?” I whispered, then swirled my tongue over him. “Come.”

“I need to be inside you,” he growled, leaning up on his elbows.

I ripped open the foil wrapper and rolled the condom onto him. “Okay.”

He didn’t need to be told twice, and flipped me to my back. This wasn’t the patient, controlled man who’d just brought me to orgasm. Grayson was hanging on to his control by a thread. I could tell by the tension in his muscles, the firm set of his mouth.

That thread needed to be cut.

He knelt between my thighs, and I raised my knees as he nudged my entrance. “Grayson,” I urged when he paused.

He searched my face for an excruciating moment before shaking his head. “No.”

What? Was he seriously going to stop?

His mouth found mine, thrusting his tongue at the same moment his fingers worked his magic against my hypersensitive clit. “Fuck you feel so good,” he whispered as my body responded, flaring to life. “I can’t wait to be inside you, Sam. I’m going to ride you until you come screaming my name. You’re never going to look at me again without thinking of how many ways I can think of to get you off, and believe me, I’m very imaginative.”

His words pushed me higher. “You have a surprisingly dirty mouth, you know that?” I sucked his lower lip into my mouth as my hips rocked against him, needing more than the external stimulation. I needed him inside me.

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