And then there was me, coming along after Prince Charming was broken, trying to cram my oversized foot into Cinderella’s slipper, willing to cut myself to the bone to make it fit.

“I am so sorry for what’s happened to you. For what’s happened to both of you. Neither of you deserved any of this. From what I’ve heard, I know that in his life, you are the love story. And I know that I’m standing here with a second-place ribbon stuck to my heart, but he’s worth it. I’ve never met anyone like him. He’s strong, and smart, and loyal, and he… He makes me want to be the person he sees in me. And maybe I’m selfish for taking what I know isn’t mine, but I’m really hoping that I can make him happy.” I smiled through the lone tear that crept down my face. “You know, as happy as Grayson gets. But I’m really praying that you’d be okay with us, if you’re listening. Because he needs you—I see that now. But I need him so badly.”

She blinked, and I gasped. “You blinked. Oh my God. You blinked.” I had to tell someone. A nurse. Right? Yes. I jumped out of my chair and nearly ran over the guy walking in.

He caught me by the shoulders, and I looked into a pair of concerned brown eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“She blinked!” I squeaked.

His eyes drifted to Grace and back to me. “Yes. She does that.”

Now it was my turn to blink. “Brain-dead people don’t blink.”

He tilted his head to the side and smiled. Wow, this guy was actually really good-looking. Maybe a little too soft, too boy-next-door for me, but good-looking nonetheless. “She’s not brain dead. At least I don’t think so. Medical opinions vary.” He stepped back and dropped his hands. “Hi, I’m Owen, a friend of Grace’s. You are?”

Owen. That name should mean something, but I couldn’t remember where I’d heard it. I forced a polite smile, still a little shaken. “I’m Sam. I’m a friend of Grayson’s.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Gray? Is he here?”

Was that panic in his eyes? “No. I mean, his stuff is, but I haven’t seen him.”

“Then I’ll only stay a minute.” His eyes swept over me. “You know, you don’t look like his type.”

What. The. Actual. Fuck. “Because I’m not a blond white girl?”

He startled. “No, no. You’re gorgeous. You’re just not…” His eyes shot over me to Grace again. “Comatose. He hasn’t shown interest in anyone since Grace’s accident.”

Because she still owned his heart. He didn’t have to say what we both already knew. I rubbed my hands down my arms, warding off the cold that was seeping into my bones with every moment I spent here, every second I realized what I’d done to my life…again. I was falling for someone who belonged to another woman, and the worst part was that I didn’t know if I could stop.

I wanted Grayson so badly that having even a fraction of him was better than nothing.

“Right.” Owen stepped around me and went to Grace, taking her hand in his. “So you don’t think she’s brain dead?” I couldn’t help but ask.

He shook his head. “The doctors say so, but she wakes and sleeps and blinks. Maybe I’m an idealist. She slept the whole first year, and when she woke up, everyone was so excited, but she still wasn’t here. They say she’s brain dead; I choose to think she’s healing. But maybe that’s because I can’t wrap my head around her never recovering.” He sent a sympathetic smile over his shoulder at me. “But Gray’s never left her. He keeps visiting, even as…hard as he’s become. I hear he’s different around you, though.”

My eyes narrowed. “From whom?”


He was friends with Parker, that explained how I’d heard his name. “Ah, yeah, she’s not exactly my biggest fan.”

He laughed. “That’s Parker. Don’t let her get to you. She’s holding a torch for G-squared to get back together.”


He turned back to Grace, his thumb circling the back of her hand. “Grayson and Grace. You know, like Brangelina, or Bennifer?”

My mouth popped open. They had a freaking name? Of course they did. They were perfect. Where the hell was Mia? “You know, I think I’m going to go find Mia. She was actually looking for Parker…”

“Miranda, that’s Grace’s sister, she’s in labor. My guess would be that’s where Mia and Parker ran off to. Did you hear that, Gracie? You’re about to be an aunt.”

“What the hell are you doing here?” Grayson’s voice boomed before he stepped fully into the room.

I stepped forward, ready to explain my shoving another foothold into his life and apologize, but it wasn’t me he was yelling at.

Owen stood from Grace’s bedside and put his hands up. “Gray, I just wanted to stop by and see her. I didn’t realize you were home this weekend until I saw—”

Grayson grabbed ahold of Owen and shoved him against the wall. What the hell? “You come here? You don’t get to see her. Ever.” A framed painting fell off its nail and crashed to the ground, shattering the glass. His forearm pressed against Owen’s throat, and then he leaned in.

For the first time, Grayson’s strength scared the shit out of me.

“I’m sorry, Gray,” Owen garbled. “I’ve tried to tell you for years. I’m so sorry. I check in on her when I’m in town.” Copyright 2016 - 2024