Latching her thumbs beneath the lace, Claire slowly pulled her panties down her thighs. Letting go of the material, she allowed them to fall to the floor and stepped out of them. Resuming her stance, she again waited for her husband as invisible bonds from his gaze held her in place. Rising from the sofa, Tony moved gracefully toward her, each step predatory as he circled her form, his eyes glued on only her. From her round, soft globes and hard, taut nipples to her neatly trimmed sex, his eyes devoured as his erection tented the gym shorts he’d worn to bed.

“You are so damn beautiful,” Tony growled as he stopped behind her. “I want you so much.” Purposely keeping his erection away, he leaned near her neck and breathily asked, “Do you have any idea how fuck’n sexy you are right now?”

Tipping her head to the side and closing her eyes, Claire gave him full access. Inhaling his intoxicating scent of cologne and musk of desire, she replied, “I know how sexy you make me feel.”

With his lips upon her skin, he continued to tease. “These last two weeks, I wanted to see you like this, so badly. I wanted you totally naked… in the pool, on the beach, in our suite with the doors open to the damn world, just like we used to do.” He nipped her skin playfully, causing a gasp to resonate from her throat. “I wanted my wife to be available to just me, but…” He twisted a nipple then tenderly caressed it, creating the perfect combination of pain and pleasure. “…I couldn’t have what I wanted. No, I had to share. I had—”

“You just said you didn’t—” Claire began.

“Shhh,” he whispered, putting his finger to her lips. “I’m not done.”

With each word, each breath, her tension grew. Claire didn’t want him to continue taunting; she wanted him. His demanding tone and suddenly possessive demeanor had her ready and on the verge of explosion. With nothing but words, he could twist her to the brink. This was the man who’d taken not only her body, but also her heart and fulfilled her every desire. “Tony, please,” she begged.

Wrapping her in his arms, he pulled her back tightly against his chest. Claire wasn’t sure when he’d taken off his gym shorts, but by the sensation of his hardness against her lower back, they were definitely gone. “Ohhh…” she mewed.

“What, Claire? Please, what? What do you want so badly you’ll ask for it even after I tell you to shush?”

Melting against his chest, Claire replied, “You. I want you. I’ve wanted more of you than I’ve gotten in the last two weeks. We’re home. I want to see you too.”

“My dear, I’m right here.” His hips moved slightly against her as his embrace pulled her closer. Resuming his CEO tone, Tony continued, “And I promise, you’re going to see me; however, as I recall, I asked you to let me finish. Didn’t I?”

Unsure if he wanted a verbal response, Claire nodded.

“That’s a good girl,” he replied, as he loosened his embrace and brushed the sides of her arms with the tips of his fingers.

Her lips parted, allowing the slightest sound to escape. Claire couldn’t have stopped the whimper if she tried. Tony’s gentle touch was almost painful. Claire wanted his arms around her, strong and sturdy. She needed to know he was there. The lightness of his touch had her body begging for more. She was ready to begin verbally pleading when Tony reached for her fingertips and led her to the sofa. Kneeling before her, gently spreading her legs, his darkened gaze continued to devour, as his lips moved up each thigh in preparation to do the same. Between taunting kisses, he said, “As I was saying, I had to share.” With a devilish grin, he peered up her body until their eyes met. “I don’t know if you’ve ever realized, but I’m not good at sharing.”

With a gleam in her green ones, Claire nodded, still unsure if she should speak.

“Now, that doesn’t mean I can’t do it. For you, my dear, I’ll do anything. However now… now that I have you all to myself, I plan on taking full advantage of you.” He leaned back, taking in every exposed inch of his wife. “Full advantage. I don’t only want to see you. I want to feel you, hear you, and taste you.” Just before he reached his destination, his warm breath teased her sensitive skin as he said, “Now I’m done talking. I think this conversation has gone on long enough. There are much better things for both of our mouths to do. Do you agree, Mrs. Rawlings?”

Leaning back against the soft leather, Claire breathily replied, “Oh, God, yes, I agree.”

Though more words did come forth, moans and sounds dominated their suite as they reconnected. No longer did the length of their day or the concerns of others fill their thoughts. Only the desires of pleasing and being pleased, filling and being filled, loving and being loved permeated their consciousness. It wasn’t until later, after untold heights, that they made it back to the soft sheets and king-sized bed. Even then, sleep had to wait.

Finally, after they both were satiated, Claire nestled against her husband’s chest, inhaled his intoxicating scent and drifted off to sleep.

There was no place like home.

Surround yourself with good people: people who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests.

—Derek Jeter

THE STACK OF mail on Claire’s desk looked daunting; nevertheless, she dove into it with renewed vigor. In all the previous years of their marriage and before, she hadn’t been involved in the day-to-day operations of the estate. Now that it was hers, she wanted to do all she could and truly be hands on. In all honesty, she enjoyed the quiet time spent in their home office doing something productive. Although she was no longer forecasting life-threatening hurricanes—meteorology was more than likely gone from her future—Claire was doing more than she’d ever done before. Her work kept the estate running, which was a far cry from the idle hours she’d spent in the past. Besides, the name on the deed to the estate was hers: Claire Nichols Rawlings. She had every right to make the decisions, and it was one less thing for Tony to worry about. Copyright 2016 - 2024