Dr. Brown nodded. “I’ll authorize it.” Her gaze went to Claire. “Thank you for your answer. For all of this to work, I need your continued honesty. You also need to see your gynecologist before ending your birth control. This is the beginning of April. It takes a month, perhaps two, to have all of the anxiety medications out of your system. I recommend alternative forms of birth control in the meantime.”

Tony wondered when in his life it had become commonplace for him to have so many people who had a vote in his personal dealings. At one time, he’d never have sat and listened as someone else told him what he was to do and not do. And then, as quickly as that thought occurred, Claire’s eyes met his. In her gaze he heard her unspoken soliloquy. It told him everything he needed to hear. His wife was happy, excited, and encouraged.

Though Tony wished he could’ve been with her in her time of need, here in this very facility, he was relieved he hadn’t been. Oh, he would have spent every day with her in hopes of bringing her back to reality sooner; however, the reports Roach had shown him broke his heart. He couldn’t imagine seeing those emerald eyes lifeless or without spark. From the first time he’d seen Claire, up close and in person, he was drawn to the life in her beautiful eyes.

Now, the next step was guaranteeing the best doctor in the fuck’n world to assure that if Claire did become pregnant, her delivery would be nothing like what they’d endured in paradise. Obviously they were both entering into this prospect of parenthood with more forethought than they did with Nichol.

LATER THAT NIGHT, Claire slipped between the soft sheets of their large bed, unable to keep the smile from her face. All she could think about was the fact that Tony really and truly said he’d wanted another child. He didn’t say it just in front of her, but in front of Dr. Brown. Claire was more excited than she’d been about anything in a long time. Oh, each day they spent with Nichol was a gift, and their family had become content and stable over the last six months, but excitement and building anticipation had not been part of Claire’s day-to-day repertoire for a very long time.

Its presence was like a tiny bud of hope taking root in her being. It was as if she could feel it within her, giving her a promise of more. Its tentacles wrapped around her heart, embraced, and warmed her soul in a way she’d forgotten. The whole world seemed brighter. It wasn’t only spring in Iowa, but also in her. The world was being reborn. Small specks of green had formed on the trees outside of her windows. Hues of red sprinkled the landscape as redbud trees came back from their winter dormancy. Even the grass was growing and filled their many yards with color.

For the first time in many springs, Claire was part of it. She was there with Nichol’s hand in hers as they walked the paths through the gardens and talked about the flowers peeking up through the earth and ones that together they’d plant. She was with Tony on their balcony or patio in the evenings as the scent of cut grass and sound of maturing insects filled their senses. Most importantly, she was alive, aware, and budding with excitement about their future.

The bed shifted, and Claire turned toward her handsome husband.

“My dear.” He kissed her cheek. “Pray tell, what has that beautiful smile on those lips and faraway look in your magnificent eyes?”

His mischievous grin, the scent of his cologne, and his intuitive question all brought Claire back to the present. Her body responded, the way she’d been wanting. Scooting closer, she leaned into his embrace, both of them sitting against the massive headboard with his arm over her shoulder. She loved the way she fit perfectly against him. Suddenly she wished he’d taken off his t-shirt before joining her. Her fingers longed to feel the softness of his chest hair; instead, she settled for nuzzling closer to his warmth.

“I’m happy.” Her simplistic answer held so many truths. Some couples may need more: an expansion upon the statement, perhaps clarification: Why was she happy? Did one thing happen to make her happy? Had she been unhappy?

Neither Tony nor Claire needed that confirmation. It was the blessing and the curse of a history and an openness that surpassed all obstacles. His embrace tightened as their lips engaged. With each touch, the desire within her grew. Her nightgown-covered skin sought the sensation of his warmth. Her nipples hardened as her breasts ached for his touch. Words weren’t needed as they melted into one another and her petite hands worked their way under his shirt, finding the soft hair covering his broad chest.

Tony slowly reached for the hem of her nightgown, and with his devilish grin, whispered, “Well, perhaps we should do some of that practicing you mentioned, before we have to heed the doctor’s alternative recommendations.”

Claire nodded, wanting their bodies to become one without barriers. “I like practicing,” she murmured as she moved closer to where his intentions were becoming clearer.

“Momma,” Nichol said sleepily, as the door to their suite opened.

Both Tony and Claire turned to see their daughter rubbing her eyes and moving toward them.

Stifling their smiles, Claire adjusted her nightgown as Tony groaned and straightened his shirt.

“What is it, honey?” Claire asked as Nichol climbed up onto their bed. Before their daughter answered, she crawled between them and slid under the covers. Once settled, Claire put her arm around her, and Nichol snuggled closer.

“I missed-ed you. I woke up and got scared.”

Letting out a deep sigh, Tony wrapped the two of them in his embrace. “Scared? Princess, what were you scared about?”

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