HOURS LATER WITH snow falling and coating the Iowa ground in a blanket of white, the tired friends bid each other goodbye as their luggage was loaded into various cars at the Rawlings Industries private airstrip. While Eric and Phil warmed the car, Claire helped Nichol secure her winter coat, hat, and gloves.

“Momma?” Nichol asked. “Do you like warm or cold better?”

Claire giggled. “Oh, honey, I like warm.” Remembering her wish, she added, “But that doesn’t mean I don’t like cold.” She lifted her face to the sky. “Look how beautiful these snowflakes are. See how they shine and glisten?”

“Yes, but I like bathing suits instead of winter coats.”

“Look at your pretty pink coat. Don’t you like it?”

“I guess.” Nichol looked at her mother’s coat and her small voice rose. “You need a pink coat too. Then we can be twins.”

Just then, Emily came up behind Nichol. “A pink coat is definitely what you need, Claire.”

“Only if all three of us can match?”

Looking down at her growing midsection, Emily laughed. “Oh, I’d be a sight in pink.”

“Are you feeling all right? The travel wasn’t too much for you, was it?”

“I’m fine. I’m just tired,” Emily said. “I don’t think that it’s the pregnancy as much as the time difference. Thank you, sis, for this amazing getaway. We’ve had a fabulous time. The island was everything you said and more. I can’t believe you left that paradise for John and me…” Her voice trailed away until she straightened her shoulders and went on, “I’m sorry. These stupid hormones are making me sentimental.”

Reaching for her sister, Claire embraced Emily. Swallowing the growing lump in her throat, she replied, “We’re both so happy you could be there with us. The children had so much fun.”

Emily nodded. “I know we owe you both—”

“Stop that. We can never repay what you’ve done for us and for Nichol.”

“Well, thanks anyway. The getaway was great, and for such a long trip, traveling on your plane sure beats the heck out of flying commercially.”

“Having everyone together made Nichol’s birthday even that much more special.”

Emily bent down and hugged her niece. “I love you, sweetheart. Be good for your mommy and daddy.”

Nichol grinned. “I’m oways good.”

Emily’s brow rose as she peered up toward Claire.

“Mostly,” Claire corrected.

Nichol blew kisses at Emily. “Bye-bye, Aunt Em. See you later. Momma, I’m cold,” Nichol whined as she rushed toward Phil and the warm, waiting car.

“How about you?” Emily asked as the two women approached the cars. “Are you all right, being home? I know you don’t like winter much.”

Taking in the accumulating snow, Claire watched as white flakes melted upon the heads of Tony, Brent, and John as the three men shook hands and bid each other goodbye. Although the time away had been good for all of them, Claire was ready to be back to her intimate family. Two weeks in the presence of everyone had been a long time. Contemplating her sister’s question, Claire replied, “I am. We’ve enjoyed being with everyone; however, I’m happy to be home with Tony and Nichol.”

Emily smiled. “I understand. I’m ready for a little quiet time myself.”

Just then, Michael ran toward his mom, sliding his tiny feet upon the snow-covered runway. “Wheeee!” he yelled, as he held on to Emily’s leg for dear life.

Laughing, Claire said, “Good luck with that quiet time. You better enjoy it now. Once my little niece arrives, you’ll be pulled in every direction.”

“Two children aren’t that difficult,” Emily replied wistfully, peering toward Nichol. “I miss having two.”

The lump in Claire’s throat made its presence known once again. Unsure how to respond, Claire was saved by the sound of Phil’s voice.

“Claire, the car’s ready.”

Looking in his direction, she saw Tony sitting in the backseat, already talking on his phone, and Nichol beside him, her little booted feet swinging as she tended to the needs of her new doll. With full concentration she worked to wrap her prized possession in a blanket, protecting it from the frigid temperatures. Earlier, Nichol proclaimed that the doll was her favorite Christmas gift. Obviously she was concerned about its well-being. Claire had ordered the doll specially: the tiny replica looked identical to Nichol.

Turning back toward Emily, Claire gave her sister a parting hug, and, changing the subject, she said, “See, we’ve barely touched down and Tony’s already back to work. I think I’ll have plenty of that quiet time.”

“I’m sure John’s doing the same thing. His phone started vibrating the second he took it out of airplane mode.”

“Thank you, Emily. I hope we can do more things together.”

Emily nodded. “Me too.”

“Mommy, we go home!” Michael proclaimed, as he tugged at Emily’s hand. “Bye-bye, Aunt Care.”

They said their goodbyes and moments later, Claire settled in the warmth of the waiting car and snuggled close to her daughter. “Are you cold, sweetie? Do you wish you were back on the island?”

Looking up to Tony and back to Claire, Nichol shook her head. “Uh-uh. The island doesn’t have pretty snowflakes, and I wanna be with you and Daddy.”

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